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Book review of Freedom on the Menu: The Greensboro Sit-Ins

Characters: I (the narrator), Mama, Daa, Sister, Brother

Setting: Greensboro

Plot: The family can’t go to the white people’s places.

Genre: Non- fiction/ Memoir

The book Freedom on the Menu- The Greensboro Sit-Ins is written by Carole Boston Weatherford, it talks about a girl who was black and could not go to the white people’s places. And Dr King gave a speech and it inspired the black people to fight for their rights. The narrator’s sister got arrested but the sister didn’t want to get out of jail because she wanted to stay with the other arrested people. She thought she was doing the right thing. Sister got out of jail and they had a nice meal at the lunch counter.

Racism is about treating people differently by their skin color. Segregation is dividing people into different places. In the past, black people could not go to white-only places and white people could attend school with many resources. Therefore the black people had poor education and very low paid jobs. And the police always treated them like they were criminals and accused them of doing the wrong things. Racism and segregation had once made black people’s lives very bad.

Black people were treated badly and the activists stood up for their rights. The first one is Rosa Park, she refused to move to the back of the bus where only black people could stay on the bus. She got arrested and people made a boycott for the bus service. Another activist is called Martin Luther King, Jr. and he made a speech called I had a dream. The speech made the blacks and even whites to stand out to fight for the black people’s rights. Then the law changed and there was no segregation, and it's called the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

I think Racism and segregation are bad. Because we can not treat people differently by their race. In the story, white people did not let black people drink the water fountain and that made me really angry. I had a very bad impression of the white people in that period. When black people stood up by sitting down, I felt for them and I appreciated their bravery. Nobody should be higher up than other people.

I like this book because it tells things that I had never known before. First, I learned that we can not treat people differently just by their skin colors. Next, I learned that we need to ban segregation and racism. Lastly, I learned to appreciate black people’s courage and also learned their hardships. I highly recommend this book to you if you want to learn about the black history and how we can help to change for a better country.

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