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Book review of Freckle Juice

Character: Andrew, Nicky, Andrew’s mom, The teacher, Sharon.

Setting: The school.

Plot: Andrew wants freckles.

The story Freckle juice is written and illustrated by Debby Ridpath Ohi. It talks about a boy whose name is Andrew who wants freckles like Nicky (A person in his class) because he doesn’t want to let his mom clean his neck so he doesn’t get late for school, and if he has freckles, his mother will not see the dirt on his neck. A girl whose name is Sharon tells him that she has freckle juice, which can make him have freckles but it costs money. He pays for it and uses the recipe at home while his mother isn’t at home. When he tries to drink it, he feels bad and gets sick. The rest of the days he didn’t go to school. On the day he goes back to school, he uses markers to fake freckles. His teacher gives hima recipe to make his freckles gone, he uses it and it works. Then, Nicky calls out if he can use the secret recipe to clean the freckle’s but the teacher doesn't agree, she says Nicky is good looking with freckles so he doesn’t need to. Sharon then tells Nicky she has a secret recipe that can make freckles gone, and she gives Andrew a weird face.

Don’t trick others, you may have a punishment. If you trick others, the one you trick might tell someone you're mean to him or her and you will get punished by either your parents or their parents. In the story, Sharon tricks Andrew and Nicky both fifty cents, Andrew or Nicky might tell the teacher how Sharon tricks them, she will be in big trouble. Tricking others sometimes will make you feel guilty, so we should stop tricking others. This is why we shouldn’t trick others, especially for money or even life.

We should be nice to others, so we can get all kinds of rewards. If we can be nice to others, it might happen to be the opposite of punishment—rewards! If you do something good to someone, this person may tell someone what happens and you get a reward. In the story, the teacher is nice to Andrew while she gives the secret recipe, she might get the reward from the principal. We should do good things just for the reward, we should do it because it comes from your heart. Being nice to other is a charm.

We shouldn’t easily believe others' words. If we easily believe others, you might be tricked and lose valuable things, then you might be tricked again and again, until you have nothing. In the story Andrew is tricked by Sharon and it makes Sharon think she can keep on tricking others, so she tricks Nicky by saying she has a freckle juice that can make Nicky have no more freckles. We shouldn’t trick others the first time so we should control ourselves to make us hold back. This is why we should not easily believe others' words.

In conclusion, we should all be honest no matter to ourselves or to others. I learned from this story that we shouldn’t trick others, we should be nice to others and we shouldn’t easily believe others. We should know that these things can let us have less punishment and more rewards, so these are important, and we should try to be better and be a good person. Lastly, I wish everyone can read this fantastic book to learn more.

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