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Book Review of Freckle Juice

Characters: Andrew, Nicky Sharon, Andrew’s mom

Setting: Beside Andrew’s home and the school.

Plot: Andrew really wants freckles.

The story <freckle juice> is written by Judy Blume, and talks about a boy named Andrew who wants Freckles and he doesn't have them while his classmates have them and he doesn't like them. Sharon told Andrew that she has a secret recipe that will make freckles. The faster you drink it, the faster you will get freckles. She asked Andrew for 50 cents from Andrew and gave it to him. Andrew went home and did what the recipe had said and made a very strange cup of drink. Even though it tastes bad, Andrew still drinked it. But after that, he is very sick. When he needed to go to school again, he used a blue marker to make blue freckles. His teacher told him that she has a secret recipe to wash out the freckles. And Andrew did wash off the blue freckles. Then, Sharon also wants to trick Nicky with a secret recipe too!

Things others have may be good for them, but it is not always good for us. Maybe that thing looks very good on others, and it looks weird on us. Or maybe it is both weird on other people and us. These are all possible to happen. In the story, When Nicky asked the teacher if he could use the secret recipe too, the teacher said that freckles are part of Nicky. The teacher told Andrew to wash it because it is not part of Andrew, it won’t fit him. Andrew just draws them on, so that it is not looking any good on Andrew. That is the reason why the teacher told Andrew to wash them off. Freckles is looking Ok on Nicky, but it is strange on Andrew. So, freckles fit Nicky, but not Andrew. I think that we need to think if something matches us before we blindly imitate others.

When we want to persuade others to do something, we need to choose the right way. For example, when somebody is doing dumb things, we need to tell him to stop in a way that others will not laugh at him. In the story, the teacher knows that Andrew is doing something funny that he uses the blue marker to make freckles, but she did not tell Andrew to wash it of by expose his trick. He helped him by giving him a “secret recipe”. The way the teacher used is the right way. If she just exposes Andrew’s trick, Andrew may not want to wash it off and Andrew may hate her. When this happens, it is really bad. The teacher did not success the thing that she wants to do at first and she cause other damage, which is that Andrew may hate her. I think that when we are persuading others, we need to choose the right way in the right time.

We should not do bad things that will hurt others very much or let them be very sick but will only be good for us. If we do these things, it is really not fair for others and I’m sure that we will also not feel very well, because we just hurt someone! In the story, Sharon wants 50 cents so that she tricked Andrew to buy her “secret recipe”. After Andrew drank that disgusting drink, he felt very sick, and he couldn't come to school for a couple days. That is a very bad thing to do. It damaged the health of her Sharon classmate! The thing Sharon did hurts Andrew very much, but it is only good for Sharon. Even though Sharon felt good when she got the money, I am sure that she will feel a little bit sorry for Andrew. Or she is super bad. I think that we should not only not do these kinds of bad things, but we should also not do bad things at all.

In conclusion, I think that the good things for others may be bad for us. Different people have different feelings about the same thing. When others are using something that is really good to them, we need to check before we use it because different people will have different things that fit them. When we want to persuade someone not to do something, we need to look at the position and think of the best and right way to help him. When we are trying to help others, we also need to think of which way will he like best. So, when we are helping them, they will also feel better. We also should not do bad things that will hurt others. Of course, we should not do any bad things. When we do things that hurt others, we will not feel very good, and it is just not fair that others need to be hurt!

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