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Book Review of Frankenstein

Frankenstein is a famous gothic novel written by the author, Mary Shelly. This book is about a smart and gifted scientist named Victor, who succeeded in giving life to one of his own creations. However the monstrous and horrifying presence that the creature had, terrified Victor and he abandoned his own creation. Alone and angered, the creature was left to fend for himself in the new world. The rest of the story of the creation was told through letters between Victor and Robert, a man he met. In these letters, he describes the danger that the creature has brought, to his family, while yearning for connection with someone. Throughout this story, readers can learn about the importance of scientific responsibility and the impact of rejecting and leaving the creature alone and lonely.

Responsibility is a very important trait for people to have in life and a trait that people should keep in their minds everywhere they go. In this novel after Victor had made the creature, he noticed that the creation was ugly, so he just let the creature live on its own. Victor failed to notice his responsibility to the creation, causing a disaster to his family. This story is very similar to real life, just like parents. Parents are the people that create us and if they don’t take responsibility over their children, it may be very bad. Victor had made the monster when no one asked to do it, but when the creature wanted a companion, Victor would make one for him. Victor should have taken responsibility because he was the person that wanted to create Frankenstein. If a parent raises a child, it is their child and they should take full responsibility for them no matter what. The novel Frankenstein clearly raises the idea of the importance of taking and acknowledging your responsibilities in the world.

There are often ways humans react to a certain way that people have acknowledged as human nature. Human nature can have horrible results in life, just like Victor in the novel Frankenstein. The creation that Victor had made in the novel looked ugly and monstrous, so Victor’s first reaction was to abandon it. This is a very obvious part of human nature that people do every day, but with something as big as a creation, human nature is not a good reaction. When humans see ugly things, they tend to ignore it, or abandon it, just like Victor. There are a lot of creations in the world that people have made that are imperfect, but these creations could be fixed, need help just like the creature in the novel Frankenstein. Human nature is very complicated, but it can affect the world in many ways that people in the world would least expect.

 Science is a very useful and complex thing that the world has created, but it can be used wrongly. There have been many books like Frankenstein that have addressed the problem of using science for someone’s own good. The motivation of Victor’s making the creature was to try to have scientific research, but in reality Victor wanted to bypass the supernatural and become like God. This was for his own good and it wouldn’t probably help the world overall. Many researches and creations built by people were just to certain groups of people. The product may be too expensive for poor people to afford, but they may really need it. Science should be able to be used by everyone in the world, not just the one that has the power to have it. Science should be used for the good of everyone in the world. It should show the creativity and ambition of success for helping others, not just used for making money.

 This novel, Frankenstein, has raised many unique and common lessons that have been ignored in the world. In this essay, we’ve explored the common themes of responsibility, human nature, and the manipulation of science. In this novel Victor had completely ignored his responsibility to the living creature that he had created just because the creature had monstrous looks. Without taking care of the monster, it grew deadly to Victor’s family. Also, when Victor made the decision of leaving the creation behind, it showed a sense of human nature. Many people in the world have ignored or abandoned things just because of their looks. This experiment that Victor had done in this novel has shown the evilness of science and how some people wrongly use the power of science. This has taught and raised many questions about the future of science.

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