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Book Review of Dear Mr. Winston

The story, Dear Mr. Winston, written by Ken Roberts, talks about a girl named Cora and Mr. Winston. Cora accidentally brings a snake to the library in a box, and Mr. Winston freaks out when he sees what is inside. Mr. Winston also fainted, so he was rushed to the hospital at once. People also searched for the snake, as it slithered away before anyone could catch it. Also, Cora’s parents tell Cora to write an apology letter to say that she is sorry. The text is about the information in Cora’s letter. Cora tries to show that she is truly genuinely sorry, but I don’t think that she is actually really sorry because of the following reasons.

Firstly, Cora broke a rule of the library to not bring any kind of animals inside, which is a critical mistake and will cause serious problem. Cora does not know that the snake could scare people, and also faint. Cora thinks that people bringing snakes in boxes into libraries and not telling anyone, is fine, and not a wrong thing to do, but that is incorrect. Cora never did admit that the whole thing was caused by her putting that snake in the box in the library. In the story, Cora only wrote the apology because her parents told her to do so, and if they hadn’t done that, Cora would never have apologized. If Cora was truly very sorry, then she would decide to write the letter herself, wanting to buy the flowers to say sorry herself instead of parents making her do it. Sometimes, people have a fault but they don’t accept it.

Secondly, Cora is not sorry for Mr. Winston, but for other things that she likes, like her favorite TV show, the snake, and also the money she pays for the accident. Even though Cora says that she is truly genuinely sorry, she still hints that she doesn’t care about Mr. Winston, only about her things. In the story, Cora is actually sorry for her TV show, the snake, and her money, not for Mr. Winston. She only apologizes because she wanted to watch her show, wanted to make sure the snake is okay, and also doesn’t want to pay more for the accident. Sometimes we say that we are sorry for something, but it is maybe said for another reason that others don’t know of.

Thirdly, throughout the story Cora tries to blame others for her fault instead of apologizing without parents’ reminding. Cora does not want to take the blame so she says things to support herself and let others take the fault. Cora says that Mr. Winston shouldn’t have stood and looked inside the box and fainted, so Cora thinks that Mr. Winston should also take fault. Cora also thinks that her friend, Jake, who lent her the snake, should also take fault by saying Jake said the snake was harmless. Cora does not take the consequence for what she has done and does not face the music, instead giving the blame to others. Blaming others for our own faults will show that we are not sorry.

In conclusion, the story Dear Mr. Winston written by Ken Roberts talks about a girl named Cora who brought a snake inside a box inside the library to know what kind of snake it was. But Mr. Winston accidentally opened the box, and the snake escaped. Soon, word spread to Cora’s parents and they wanted Cora to write an apology letter. But I don’t think that Cora is really sorry because of the following reasons. Firstly, Cora is not sorry for Mr. Winston, only sorry for her own things. Secondly, Cora blames others for her own fault. Thirdly, Cora thinks that it was not her fault the whole snake thing happened. I recommend you this story because it can teach us many things.

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