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Book Review of Caddie Woodlawn

This story, written by Carol Ryrie Brink, talks about how a girl named Caddie Woodlawn and her family lived in the prairies of western Wisconsin. As a girl, she does not like to do most of the things that girls would normally like to do. Moreover, she would prefer the things that boys would normally like to do. She rides horses, skates on thin ice, picks hazelnuts, plows the field, and sews. She is also part of the “inseparable trio”, with her brothers Tom and Warren. With her brothers, they would always get into adventures together and play together. There was one time where they made money off of an Indian scalp belt. Another time, together they defended the Indians from getting killed and successfully resolved the rising conflict between the Indians and the white people. Of course, many other small things were done too. These mischiefs, events, and deeds, no matter good or bad, were always done by Caddie and her brothers together, as they were, and always will be the “inseparable trio”.

What most people believe is a good solution may not always be right, or more rather, the best solution in reality. It is of utmost importance that we consider the definite facts before we make a big decision. To consider the facts, it is very useful to understand the roots of the problem, or the situation. The story states that as the Indians were being attacked without warning, Caddie decided to warn them about the attack. This is of interest because most people then believed that it is best for them to attack the Indians, which Caddie rightfully disagreed with. Even though most people thought that they should attack the Indians first, assuming instantaneously that the Indians were aggressive, Caddie thought more carefully. She realized that in the end, all humans were the same, as no matter what, the whites and the Indians were all humans. Thus, she decided to take the risk. After, it turns out that the Indians were of Caddie’s prediction. While making the decision of whether or not to go to England, the family thought about the situation carefully, choosing not to rely on their instincts, and made their choice based there. These events, along with many others within the story proves the fact that what is popular is not always right. Thinking about the problem itself more carefully will give us the ability to make the right, or more beneficial choice, even when many others will try to disprove it unreliably.

The sense of friendship brings people together and bonds them strongly, through an invisible relationship which for true friendship, will be stronger than any other physical bond. This bond is so strong that most times, if such a bond is true, it will last us the entirety of our lives. Such a bond gives strong support to us when we are in any situation in which we need any kind of help. In the story, the strong friendship, and kinship, of Caddie, Tom, and Warren is so strong that they want to do everything together. They support each other in times when one of them is down or needs support. Also, they come to each other’s defense when it comes to a family argument of what to do. It is also important to realize that to be a family means that everyone in the family is supposed to be bonded with each other, but it should never be assumed that such is always the case. The relationship of friendship could support us when we are in need, as in making big decisions and doing anything, friendship, and our friends could be at our aid. Even if we do not need the help to do anything, when our feelings are down and we need comfort, true friends will also be a great form of consolation for us. Hence, we should try to make stable and true friends and once we do, we should always appreciate these friendships.

The acts of kindness are of true greatness, which when done, will themselves award the kind person with mental peace and positive emotions. Sometimes, when we do acts of kindness, we will get something in return from the person receiving the kindness. If they do so, then not only we will be even happier, they will have a great feeling as well for returning an act of kindness. This is how kindness works at the fundamental level. For example, Caddie warned the Indians of the incoming white people who were trying to attack them. This was an act of kindness by Caddie, she gets something in return, as John gave her his dog and the scalp belt of his father later, after her warning. From such kindness, Caddie is also rewarded with the friendship of the Indians. Despite this, other times nothing is given in return, but everyone feels great after the event. This can be shown in the story when Caddie gave the Hankinson children some candy and combs, and wanted nothing in return. After what Caddie had done, Caddie felt her heart warmed. At the same time, the Hankinsons were happy and grateful for what they received and provided company for the Woodlawns. From an act of kindness, many times friendships are created. These friendships will lead to more acts of kindness. Thus, one of the greatest things we can do in our world is to be kind.

In this story, many events are described in thorough detail about the childhood stories of the main character, Caddie Woodlawn, who lived in the prairies of Wisconsin. Many stories within the book are wonderful and deserve to be read. While giving us the entertainment of reading the book, the separate stories also give us important information which we will be able to use throughout our entire lives. The story is trying to help us realize that, in life, when many people believe in one particular idea, even though it seems very popular, urging us to believe it is true, truthfully, it might not always be that way. Caddie Woodlawn also shows us that acts of kindness are great for everyone, which when done, will create friendships that will last our lives. Friendships will also lead to even more acts of kindness later. These meanings are important for us to understand, for they are the ideas which will award us with the true meanings of wisdom. Therefore, this book was written in deep thought, possessing meanings hidden deep into the book itself, telling us of important things essential for our future, a life we desire.

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