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Book Review of Babu’s Song

Characters: Bernardi, Babu, Mama Valentina, A woman

Setting: The school, Bernardi’s home and the market

Plot: Bernardi loves soccer and likes to learn but is too poor to go to school.

Perspective: 3rd Person Viewpoint

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Babu’s Song written by Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, talks about a boy, Bernardi loves soccer and likes to learn but is too poor to go to school, and his grandfather, Babu is a toy maker. A music box plays a song that Babu sung when he had his voice becomes the connection of the story.

We can learn at least three things in this realistic and warm story. First, Education is the most important. Education helps us to get knowledge, realize the world and ourselves, solve the problems by thinking and make better decisions. Babu chooses to buy school uniforms instead of a soccer with the hard-earned money. It tells us the importance of education. Education makes us know who we are, where we go and what we do, it provides the chance for us to have better lifes.

Second, poor family should love each other, keep fighting and never give up. A loving connection with family members can help us make dreams come true. Bernardi sells the music box and gives the money back to Babu, Babu gives him a school uniform and a handmade soccer ball. It shows they love and understand each other, they work hard together and achieve their goals finnally. So if we grow up in a poor family, don't worry, we can get a better life with love, hard working and hope.

Last but not least, it helps us have a better understanding of what symbolism is. Symbolism is the things represently appear in the story, with special meaning. There are many examples of symbolism, soccer ball--hobby, school uniform--education, music box--the love betwwen Bernardi and Babu. Symbolism can give the words double meanings and increase our imagination. Learning to think symbolically is really good for us.

It is a great warm and impressive story, and this author has such an excellent writing skill. The most important thing is that we can learn a lot from this story, such as education, love and symbolism. I can’t wait to share with my friends and classmates. I highly recommend this book to you.

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