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Book Review of Araby

"Araby" is a story by James Joyce that talked about the narrator's dreams and expectations that are unobtainable and high lead him down a path of disappointment. He imagines the bazaar as a magical place where he can find the perfect gift for the girl he likes, but upon arriving, he is confronted with the harsh reality that it falls short of his idealized vision. The narrator's failure to research or understand the place he is heading, coupled with his lack of planning, contribute to his inability to find the perfect gift. This story serves as a reminder that unrealistic dreams and illusions only result in wasted time and shattered expectations. The symbolism and metaphors employed in the story further explained the consequences of imagination without understanding. Ultimately, this narrative highlights the importance of thinking logically, staying grounded in reality, and seeking true understanding before embarking on any journey.

Dreaming and hoping for fantasies will not lead anyone to success. Expecting a perfect result can motivate you in doing it, but most of the time it brings more disappointment. Unrealistic dreams and high expectations of normal things won’t make it better. Think realistically and don’t imagine too much so that you won’t be shocked by the harsh reality. In the story, the narrator dreamed of the bazaar as a magical place where everything can be bought. He looked forward to going there, but when he was there, he was disappointed by reality. He didn’t find the perfect gift for the girl he liked, both because of how he didn’t research or understand the place he is going and because he didn't arrive on time which is also the cause of no planning. Not achievable dreams are only a wonderful imagination and believing it will only result in disappointment and waste of time. Don’t be illuminated by unattainable fantasies. Think logically and don’t believe that everything is perfect because the harsh truth of the real world will shatter your illusions and goals.

Araby represented the narrator’s imagination of the girl he liked and the illusional fantasy of the bazaar. The word araby can mean imagination and understanding. You have to understand and research before making statements. Imaginations toward a thing or person will only make misunderstandings and failures. Don’t be tricked by illusions and stay conscious of the real world. In the story, the narrator imagined how beautiful and nice the girl he liked was and never really got close to the girl to find out the truth. Instead of getting closer to the girl, he went to buy a gift for her from a place where he thinks is perfect and wonderful while the truth is that it isn’t what he thought. The narrator perfectly showed the title of the story which is “Araby”. His story talked about how imagining and not finding out the truth can lead to lots of trouble. He also told us that it is important to understand things, no matter if it is a person, thing or place. If we adventured without planning, the result will always be a failure.

Symbolism and metaphors are important parts of stories that make them interesting. Symbolism and metaphors can help people better understand something that is hard to understand. they can also show the theme or deeper meaning of the story. Symbolism can get people thinking and can connect the story with people’s lives. Beauty and wonderful sentences and words can be created with symbolism and metaphors. In the story, the author used lightness and darkness to describe the narrator’s journey. The title and the bazaar’s name symbolizes the trouble imagination caused the boy. The author also used other small metaphors to describe objects such as street lamps. Contrast can be created with metaphors because it can change one thing to another. It can breathe the boring story and add color and variants. They can also help characters better show their personality and the truth about them. Symbolism and metaphors are an essential tool for good and interesting stories.

In conclusion, "Araby" serves as a reminder about the dangers of unrealistic dreams and illusions. The narrator's journey to the bazaar and his failure to find the perfect gift showed the consequences of imagination without understanding or planning. The story recommends us to think logically, stay grounded in reality, and seek true understanding before embarking on any goals. Dreams and fantasies can be motivating, but when they are detached from reality, they only lead to disappointment and wasted time. By using symbolism and metaphors, the author deepens the meaning of the story and highlights the literary devices in telling ideas. Ultimately, "Araby" reminds us to approach life with a balance of imagination and reality, so as to avoid the unattainable expectations and shattered illusions.

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