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Book Review of Anne of Green Gables

The book Anne of Green Gables, written by L.M. Montgomery, is no doubt one of the most celebrated and known books in history. Two people called Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert decide to adopt a boy, but instead a girl called Anne was sent. The Cuthberts decide to adopt Anne. The reader follows Anne as she grows up with the Cuthberts, and we see her mature throughout her life from an eleven year old who always gets into scrapes and has a wild imagination to a mature sixteen year old who excels at every subject in school. Anne is known for her imaginativeness and her constant scrapes that get her in trouble. Anne gains friends like Diana, Jane, and Ruby, girls who have accompanied Anne till the very end. But she also gains an enemy named Gilbert Blythe, who had insulted Anne on her hair. Gilbert’s character helps the story along as the two compete with each other constantly. Matthew dies because of a sudden shock, making Anne depressed. In the end, Gilbert gets forgiven by Anne because he gave the opportunity to teach in Avonlea school to Anne, knowing that Anne needed it more. When the story ends, Anne is optimistic about the future, and dreams about the road ahead.

Forgiveness can mend friendships and make everyone’s life easier. Everyone gets into disputes at some point during their lifetime, but the important thing is to forgive them. Forgiving helps both sides make up and even become friends. When you forgive someone, it makes them feel better inside, knowing that you aren’t upset at them anymore. This is why we shouldn’t hold back if we want to forgive someone, because it’s just easier and helps mend friendships. In the book, Anne was furious at Gilbert for making fun of her hair in front of the whole school, and she kept this grudge for years and years. However, Anne was secretly sorry for not forgiving Gilbert when she had the chance, and in the end, Anne forgives Gilbert because he sacrificed his opportunity to teach in Avonlea school for Anne to teach there, knowing she needed it more now that Matthew died. Anne had wanted to forgive Gilbert for a long time, but she never could do it, even when she had the chance. This made Anne feel guilty. During this time, Anne notices what great possibilities there would have been if she had been friends with Gilbert, and she ultimately forgives Gilbert at the end of the book. Forgiveness is the only thing needed to make everything rewind and start fresh again.

Imagination can make life more interesting and beautiful. Having an imagination allows you to dream of anything you want, pretend anything you want, and make life more interesting in general. Without an imagination, life would be dull, filled only with the hard facts about everything around us. However, imagination allows one to pretend everything is not as it is in real life, dream up stuff that can’t be true, and take a break from the boring facts that are true. Imagination can make the world seem better and more interesting than it really is. Anne had a wild imagination in the book, and she used it to pretend the truth wasn’t real and she could be what she couldn’t be in real life. Her imagination allows her to dream of almost anything, make up almost anything, and in the book, she created new names for the landmarks around her and made them seem more interesting than they were in truth. Anne used her imagination to make her life more interesting and to make the world seem more beautiful. This character trait also helps the book to become more interesting as we read about what Anne imagines. Imagination is a break from reality and the true world.

Making mistakes and getting into trouble isn’t important, the important thing is to learn from them. Mistakes are common and it is okay to make them, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn from them. When we do something wrong, we should consider the reasons why we made that mistake. Then we should think how we can avoid having the same mistake twice. This is the most important part of making a mistake, to learn from it and adapt in order to become better. Failure is the mother of success. Learning from mistakes can result in less mistakes of the same kind being made. In Anne of Green Gables, Anne made a ton of mistakes and got into numerous scrapes when she was young. But each of her scrapes taught her a lesson. The haunted wood affair taught her to not let her imagination run wild, the amethyst brooch mistake taught her never to touch stuff that didn’t belong to her, and dying her hair cured her of vanity. Although these mistakes were terrible, Anne learned her lesson from them and improved, preventing further mistakes of the same kind. This is why Anne doesn’t get into scrapes anymore at the end of the book, because she learned from them. It’s not failure that matters, but how you recover and improve.

In conclusion, Anne of Green Gables is truly a great book that deserves its fame. Its story is filled with different emotions as Anne grows up and matures. Not only is it an interesting book with lots of elegant language, it is also a book that teaches valuable lessons. Here are the main three I think is the most important: Forgiveness is the only thing needed to make everything rewind and start fresh again, imagination can make life more interesting and beautiful, and it’s not failure that matters, but how you recover and improve. This book has taught me morals hidden inside the life of an eleven year old girl while also creating one of the most famous books of all time. I really think this book is widely known for a good reason, and I hope you can read and enjoy it as well.

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