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Book Review of Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables is a novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Anne of Green Gables is a classic novel written by Lucy Maud Montgomery in 1908. The novel follows the story of Anne Shirley, an orphaned girl adopted by the elderly siblings Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert. Anne is a spirited and imaginative young girl who finds joy and adventure in the world around her. Despite her struggles with fitting in and her tendency to get into predicaments like putting liniment instead of vanilla on cakes and failed recreations of plays, Anne's charm and wit make the Cuthberts (especially Marilla who originally planned on sending Anne back to the orphanage) eventually grow to love her. Anne embarks on many adventures, including attending school, making friends, and exploring the world around her. The novel is filled with memorable characters, including Anne's best friend Diana, her nemesis Gilbert, and her teacher Miss Stacy. The novel explores friendship, family, growing up, and finding one's place in the world. Anne of Green Gables is a timeless classic that continues to be beloved by readers around the world.

Always be moderate about your appearance. Appearance is not what defines a person, it is just a trait given randomly as an identifier. Just because you look bad doesn’t mean you are bad, and caring too much about your looks can cause things like Anne’s outburst at Mrs. Lynde and dyeing her hair green and having to cut it off. Anne's struggles with fitting in and her obsession with her appearance are major themes in the novel. Anne's insecurity about her appearance leads to her outburst at Mrs. Lynde and her attempt to dye her hair green to make herself more attractive. This leads to Anne having to cut off her hair and eventually realizing that it is her character, not her appearance, that is what truly matters. This theme is an important lesson for readers and serves as a reminder that appearance is not what defines a person. It is the person's character, their values and beliefs, and how they treat people that truly matters. Everyone is valuable, no matter who they are and what they look like, and not just because they don’t look that good so they aren’t treated well by the public and others. Appearance is not that important to character.

Always be moderate about your qualities. Too low and life will be boring; too high and you get into a lot of trouble.  Anne's journey in Anne of Green Gables teaches this lesson, as she learns to balance her enthusiasm with humility and patience. Anne's romance and care about her looks get her into predicaments like almost getting killed at the river and dyeing her hair green. She gradually learns to temper her qualities and gets into trouble less. This lesson serves as a reminder that it is important to have some qualities like romance, but it is also important to not be excessive with those qualities. Too little and life can be boring, while too much can lead to unfortunate consequences, and at worst, a downhill route. Never be too extreme. Don’t be so careful that you complain about every little thing, but so careless that you put anodyne liniment on your cake.   It is important to have a sense of balance when it comes to our qualities, as too much of a thing (even if it is beneficial by itself) can be detrimental to our well-being. We should strive for a middle ground that will allow us to lead a happy and fulfilled life and not go either on a dangerous mountain or a plain, boring desert.

 Stubbornness can be a dangerous trait. When we become so set in our ways that we are unable to forgive even the smallest of mistakes, we can find ourselves in a situation where we are unable to move forward and find peace. The inability to forgive can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding and can harm a worthwhile relationship. We become unable to truly understand the experiences and feelings of those around us. This can lead to further hurt feelings, misunderstandings, and conflicts. In contrast, when we can forgive small mistakes, we can maintain positive relationships, keep our emotions in check, and move forward with our lives. Forgiveness allows us to take responsibility for our actions without becoming mired in guilt and regret. It also allows us to learn from our mistakes and become better people. Forgiveness does not mean that we condone or forget the mistakes of others, but rather that we acknowledge their mistakes and work towards understanding and growth. It is important to remember that we all make mistakes. We must strive to be understanding and forgiving of ourselves and others, and not become so stubborn that we cannot forgive for even the smallest of mistakes. When we can forgive, we can move forward, build stronger relationships, and create a more peaceful world.

 Anne of Green Gables is a novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery. It follows an orphan girl named Anne Shirley who gets adopted by elderly siblings Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert. Everyone has qualities, but it is important to not be too extreme with them. Too little can make life boring, and too much can lead to bad consequences. It is important to find a balance in our qualities so that we can live a happy and fulfilled life. One quality that can be very dangerous is stubbornness. When we become so set in our ways that we cannot forgive even the smallest of mistakes, it can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding and can harm relationships. Forgiveness is important as it allows us to take responsibility for our actions and learn from our mistakes. It does not mean that we forget or condone what happened, but rather that we acknowledge it and strive to move forward. We must be understanding and forgiving of ourselves and others, and not become so stubborn that we cannot forgive. When we can forgive, it allows us to build stronger relationships and create a more peaceful world.

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