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Book Review of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

The fantasy book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” talks about a young girl Alice and her adventures in Wonderland. Alice is sitting by her sister when she sees a white rabbit running across the field. She follows the rabbit jumping into a deep hole and entering the fantasy world, Wonderland, which she has never seen before. There, Alice goes through many adventures, like getting bigger or smaller when she eats something. Alice sees many animals or things talking and doing things which are so different from what she thinks in the real world, having no senses at all, like meeting with the white rabbit, having tea party with Mad Hatter, and playing the weird croquet match game with the Queen of Heart. Alice is almost beheaded by the Queen of Heart. Then suddenly she wakes up in her sister’s lap and tells her sister her dream and the adventures.

Every child needs some space to grow up, even though growing up sometimes makes them feel frustrated and uncomfortable. To decrease the feeling of frustration and uncomfort, people need to learn to adjust themselves to fit the real world. Alice drinks a bottle of unknown bottles and she gets small. Then Alice eats a piece of cake and she becomes nine feet high. She feels frustrated when she cannot control her body. It took Alice a while to adjust her body size so she can pass through a door into the beautiful garden. We are like Alice, a normal kid, who grows up everyday. But growing up sometimes brings growing pains. Just like Alice, every kid might feel frustrated and uncomfortable when exploring the world because he feels unfit or does not get used to it. Alice’s growing and shrinking symbolize that every kid needs to adjust himself to the real world. While growing up, every kid needs to develop the skill of adaptability and change his own perspective in order to ease the discomforts and adjust himself to the real world.

Sometimes in the real world, young kids might feel nonsense toward the answers or things they experience while they are trying to figure them out. When encountering illogical matters, it would be best for young kids to learn the new rules in the new social environment to survive and grow, even though the new rules don’t make sense at all. Alice has a difficult time playing the weird croquet match with the Queen of Hearts. In the game, the rules of the game are simple and the croquet ground is ridged. However, the croquet balls are live hedgehogs and the mallets are live flamingos. Alice does not make sense of it. When children are young, like Alice, tries to use his own imagination to explain things or make sense of the world using his own logical thinking. However, not everything in life makes sense or has an explanation, which young children might struggle to figure things out. This is especially true when they are growing up. Young children need to observe their current situation and learn to cope with the nonsense rules in order to survive and grow, just like Alice tries to fit into the crazy rules of Wonderland and she gets better at managing the situation. Young children need to recognize that not everything in life plays the rule with logic, and they must learn to cope with the illogical rules of the world for survival.

Children are full of curiosity, which leads them to explore the adventurous journey in front of them. However, children are innocent and vulnerable, and the adventurous journey could bring the threat of death for them. Alice sees a white running Rabbit into a hole and decides to follow him because the rabbit wears human-like clothes with a watch. Following her own curiosity, Alice falls into a big long hole, which might be dangerous or she could possibly be killed. For young children, it is without question that they would raise their curiosity when they see something interesting or they have never seen before. But the curiosity for the unknown things could cause the danger that they are not aware of. Just like Alice sees the rabbit who could talk and tell the time wearing a nice coat. She nevers sees before and wants to explore this, which leads to the falling in a hole. What if the hole was full of water in the end and Alice could have been drowned. This also suggests that the things seem fairly simple, interesting, pretty, or nice but in fact they could bring the threat of death. All adventures begin with curiosity, but sometimes curiosity might lead children to risk their life because interesting things could be deadly serious.

The story ALice in Wonderland is a fantasy story with a lot of adventure that could not possibly happen in the real world. While I am engaged in reading this book, at the same time the author uses the kid character, Alice, to tell the young readers many things about growing up. While growing up naturally happens, it also brings some growing pain with frustration and uncomforts. Young kids need to adjust themselves to fit into the real world, just like Alice’s growing and shrinking. In addition, using logic to make sense the world sometimes does not work because not everything in real life plays by the rules. Young kids need to make good observations about the new social situation and learn the new illogical rules for survival. Moreover, young kids grow up with curiosity for something they don’t know or they are interested in, but curiosity might put them in danger. Alice in Wonderland is an amazing and exciting book to read.

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