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Book Review of A Wrinkle in Time

The story A Wrinkle of time is written by Madeleine L’eng. This story talks about a girl named Meg who lost her dad, she went with her brother Charles Wallace and her friend Calvin. They went inside with the help of Mrs. Which. Meg and others found out that there was an IT that was controlling the place, using lots of work, they found Meg’s father but Charles Wallace was controlled by the IT, Meg hound him and used all kinds of words to let Charles Wallace not be controlled, she succeeded. Finally, they went back home, with Meg’s dad.

Love is very important and magical. This is because love makes you and others' relationships very close, and when you are very close, you can even know others' thoughts, that’s how it's magical, it is important because you might feel bad when you don’t have love. In the story, Meg has a very strong love for her father and brother so she saved them and she has courage. Charles Wallace loves Meg and mom so he knows what they are thinking, Meg loves father and her brother by saving them with the risk of her life. This is how love is important and magical.

Persistence is the key to success. Persistence leads to success because (失败乃是成功之母)Failure is the mother of success, the more you fail, the more of the possibilities of success. In the story, Meg used all kinds of ways to save her father and her brother, and at last, she succeeded in what she wanted. Edison used 7000 thousand ways to make the electric light, this is hard but also important. This is why we should have persistence—to succeed in what we want.

Only taking action makes you get what you want. This is because if you don’t take action, and if you don’t take action, the future won’t change in the way in what you want usually, but if you take action, you might A change the future in the way you want. In the story, Meg took action to save her dad while others didn’t, because of this, her father was saved. We see that taking action changes the future, but sometimes it won’t happen in what you want to happen, but still we have to take action. This is why taking action is important.

In conclusion, now I know that love is important and magical, Persistence is the key to success. Only taking action makes you get what you want, these are important, and you can use these ways to help others and ourselves. I really like the story, “ A Wrinkle in Time” because it uses the thinking of a child to write the story, it can make lots of people understand children in their thinking. I hope you can read this book and understand children!

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