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Angela Y

Book Review of A Wrinkle In Time

Setting: Meg’s house, Uriel, Camazotz, and Ixchel.

Characters: Meg, Charles Wallace, Calvin, Mrs. Which, Mrs. Who, Mrs.Whatsit, Mr. Murry and IT

Plot: Mr. Murray leaves his family for more than two years, so Meg, Charles, and Calvin save him.

This story is about a little girl named Meg, her younger brother, Charles Wallace, and their friend, Calvin, who set themselves on a journey to save Meg’s father who is trapped in time and space. With the assistance of three celestial beings, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which, the trio successfully overcome many challenges and finally rescue Meg’s father back to Earth. They fight IT and the Black Thing which both represent evil by controlling people's minds. They also meet three beasts that represent good and help Meg heal from the Black Thing. This is a very exciting and eye opening science fiction novel.

Love is very powerful to help you face challenges. When you have no hope to succeed, love will help you through. Love can multiply the best we have, allow humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness and reveal what our confusion holds. In this story, Meg almost loses hope, but finally saves Charles Wallace from IT when she figures out what she has but IT doesn’t by telling Charles Wallace that she loves him. When your love is fearless, miracles do happen. When the love is genuine everything else just feels like background noise. With love in our heart, we can solve any problem, overcome any obstacles and make our life better.

Persistence can help people reach their goal and succeed. Persistence is important because if you don't persist and perform, you won't get what you want. Many people give up easily when things become difficult or face adversity, so they never accomplish their goals. In this story, Meg persists to save her father through several challenges like the hypnotization of Charles Wallace, but Meg overcomes it and finally saves her father. We can see that Meg persists to help her family even when she endangers herself when helping her family members. Persistence is a good value everyone should have.

Freedom is the basic right of human nature, and the loss of freedom is one of the greatest evils. Freedom is the ability to make decisions for ourselves. This allows us to be individual and create our own unique life. Without it, we couldn’t truly be ourselves. In the story, Camazotz is controlled by IT. All the citizen’s lifestyles are bad because lack of freedom affects their appearance, actions, and even their thoughts. IT’s ‘peace’ is simply brainwashing the residents of Camazotz, so they don’t experience any love, curiosity, or individuality. We must fight for our freedom and this is exactly what this story is expressing. Our life should be like a sonnet with a strict form, but each individual has the freedom to write his/her contents.

In conclusion, this book is a very exciting and eye opening science fiction novel. I learned that love is very powerful, persistence is the key to success, and freedom is very important. I enjoyed this story very much and I would recommend it to everyone.

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