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Book Review of A Castle on Viola Street

Characters-Andy, Andy's family, and Andy's neighbors

Setting-At Viola street

Plot-A family wants a house so they volunteer for an organization and soon they have a house.

Perspective-first person perspective

Genre-Realistic fiction

The book A castle on Viola street by DyAnne DeSalvo starts when a family of five moved into an apartment on Viola street. On a Saturday morning Andy and her sister went to the laundromat. After, they went to the Soap & go shop where they saw a flier. The flier said “You too can own a home” then, Andy and his sister went back home holding the flier. Andy told his parents what he had seen and heard. Then the parents went to a meeting that was talking about a new organization and when they came back they told everyone what the new organization did. The next day Andy’s family volunteered for the organization and after a while the organization was fixing their house. It was soon done.

“Someday things will change around here”

Hard work with optimism will allow you to create real change over time and succeed. This means that if you hope for change, prepare yourself, and never give up then you will eventually achieve your goal . In the book, the father believed that, “Someday things will change around here.” He and his family were on the alert for a chance to make a change. When he had a chance to do something and make a change, he took the chance and worked hard for it with his family. In the end, they succeeded despite all the difficulties the father had to persevere through. Optimism and hard work will help you chase your dream and achieve your goal.

“Our family is rich in more ways than we can count”

Even if you're not rich in resources, you will still have your family who will make you happy, loved, and joyful. Loving relationship is life's true wealth which will help us share hope, love, and purpose together even when we are struggling with few means. Although the family does not have a lot of money and have to live in an apartment, they still work hard and they take care of each other. The family had each other, believed and supported each other and that was more than enough for them. A loving and caring family will help make your life happy and full of delight which is your life's true riches.

“And if you’re interested in helping to fix up a house for other people,” my father continued, “then one day other people will help fix up a house for you.”

By helping each other with shared labor and purpose, people can achieve both their goals which would have been difficult to reach if they had been working alone. If you do a kind act to a person, that person will return your kind act by helping you. Andy’s father helped the Trans finish their house after their home was built, the Trans helped build Andy's house. This project was finished easier and faster working together as a group than working alone. They each shared the same purpose. Everyone helping each other will support the group and allow you to achieve your goal. Mutual effort and shared purpose will lead to a stronger team that could accomplish way more than one could do by themself.

“Sometimes new things are hard to get used to and people are slow to change”

While progress needs people to be open to new possibilities, we often prefer to stay in our comfort zone with what's familiar which makes change even harder. A person's instincts are to stay close to what they're used to and comfortable with. They will also try to avoid new and different ideas. A neighbor of the Trans new house yelled “no banging before nine o’ clock!” She yelled this because she was not used to a group of volunteers working on a new house and she was also scared of what would happen with her surroundings. Although change might be hard to get through, we need to embrace it with open minds to help us overcome resistance.

“Being little is no excuse not to pitch in”

Anyone is able to play a role in an organized event as long as they work hard and try to make a difference. No matter one's age or ability, you can always contribute to the group project in some way. When the sisters were just sitting around and watching the workers fix the house, their mom came and said “being little is no excuse not to pitch in” then she gave the girls lemons to make lemonade for the workers. The mom knew that everyone has a responsibility to help, so she encouraged the girls to support the workers. The girls helped out with the work in ways they could. You will never be too young or limited to take the responsibility and make a move.

“Big dreams are built little by little, and we are making a start”

Big dreams are built step by step over time and you just need to make a start. This means that in order to attain significant achievements, it counts on slow and steady progress through hard work. Andy’s family needed to finish some houses before the organization could start on theirs. So, Andy’s family worked hard with everyone else to achieve their goal. The father encouraged his son's daily work because if they finished this house, then they could move onto the next and then they would be one house closer to their dream. Even though the son's work seemed so small, it actually helped in the long run. Meaningful change and unimaginable dreams seem impossible to reach, but if you work hard and constantly try your best then you will always succeed.

“Anyway, it seems to me like all the money in the world couldn't buy us what we have now on Viola street.”

Life's most valuable rewards are not gained from money, but from hard work and caring relationships. True happiness comes from helping out with your own hands not from wealth. In the story, Andy thinks that all the money in the world couldn’t buy him what he had now on Viola street because everyone worked together to make their street a better place. Money can buy a lot of things, but it can’t buy the kind of fulfillment that you get through your own effort on a group subject with the same purpose as everyone else. Meaningful things in life are often achieved through hard work and perseverance, which can’t be bought with money.

The book a castle on Viola street by DyAnne DeSalvo is inspiring which tells us very meaningful themes and lessons. It shows the importance of optimism and hope which can help you overcome obstacles. Along with this attitude, family and mutual support can also help you get past difficulties. During this time period people might be reluctant to accept the change because they’re not used to it. But we have to look forward to the benefits which will improve the community. This also tells us that no matter what age you are, you can always contribute to group projects even if you have limited means. In the end, the father in the story told us that you need to make a start and move forward bit by bit in order to achieve your big dreams. Andy thought that what he achieved at Viola street was worth more than any amount of money because he found the true meaning and purpose of life. This story is full of hope, partnership, and dedication in the face of hardship.

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