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Book Review: Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery is about a young orphan named Anne who is accidentally adopted by Marillla and Matthew.  Marilla sent someone to get her a strong able bodied boy to help her and Matthew on the farm but the person gave her Anne instead. He said that Anne was a good girl and he also thought they would like her personality. When Matthew went to get Anne from the train station he found out he liked her. Marilla says that Anne will have to go back the next day and she can only stay for the night. The next day, Marilla gets Anne in the car and during the ride, Anne persuades Marilla to keep her. For the next few years Marilla and Matthew grow fond of Anne and Anne makes friends with her neighbors and classmates. When Anne is an adult, Matthew dies so there is no one to support the farm. Anne decides to stay with Marilla and teach at a nearby school. This also shows us how imagination, friendship, and reflecting on mistakes can help a girl like Anne mature.

Making mistakes as a kid is helpful to prevent similar mistakes later on in life. Mistakes present great learning opportunities so that we can utilize them to build our personality and gain life experience. When Anne is at school she loses her temper when another kid named Gilbert Plythe holds her hair and then makes fun of how orange her hair is. Anne then smashes the slate on the boy's head and she gets  in trouble. Anne learns from this mistake and she rarely ever loses her temper again. Another mistake Anne made is serving her friends red currant wine instead of raspberry cordial when they were having tea. This causes Diana to get drunk and Make Diana’s mom ban Anne from being friends with Diana. Anne learns from her mistake and so Anne eventually redeems herself with Diana and her mom. This accident made Anne become more cautious of what she does. Through reflecting on mistakes, people can progress through life and these mistakes will eventually help you develop.

Imagination is a wonderful skill that if correctly challenged, can have positive effects on you and your life. But if you let your imagination run wild, then there will be a bad effect on your thinking. When Anne was young and lived at the orphanage, he imagined that he had friends but although they were imaginary, it helped Anne develop and grow up. This is an example of a well controlled imagination which helped her develop over the years. One time though, Anne imagined that the forest outside was haunted so she was scared to deliver a package to her friends during the night. When Marilla forced her to, she got scared but still did it. This shows that if you imagine objects to be too real, then there could be unfortunate consequences. After this incident, Anne never let her imagination get out of reach so that she could always control it and benefit from it. Imagination opens a door that can help you if used correctly but might be scary if used to literally.

Friends can be found on first sight or gradually as long as you have an open heart and accept people for who they are. Meaningful friends can be made no matter the situation but although it seems difficult to find a friend you’ll always find the kindred soul to help you throughout your life. At the start of the book Anne became friends with Diana immediately and Anne even asked Diana to be her “kindred spirit.” But when Anne first met Gilbert, she did not like him. At the end, Anne finally asks Gilbert to be friends because she realizes he has changed and Gilbert accepts. Anne grows through Diana's help. Friendships eventually evolve and become more sincere overtime as people mature. Anne became friends with Diana immediately but Anne made friends with Gilbert only when she grew up. Meaningful friendships don’t always happen immediately, they take time to grow and form close bonds when people have patience, open minds and kind hearts.

Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery is a heartfelt book. It teaches us about growing up by making mistakes, using imagination to help us, and also showing that friends can be made immediately or over time. Making mistakes is a natural part of life and can’t be avoided, so instead you should embrace it and try to learn from your mistakes. Imagination is helpful and it can help you develop tremendously if used correctly. Sometimes it may seem difficult at first to make friends, but developing friendship is still possible over time as long as you accept people for who they are and remain open-minded to observe how they change and grow. When Anne first goes to Marilla and Mathews house, she is a young girl. After making friends with her neighbors and learning from her mistakes, she develops into a mature girl ready to move on in life.

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