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Artificial Intelligence WILL Replace Man Labor

Artificial intelligence, also known as AI, is very useful for us on a daily basis, but will it one day replace man labor? AI is artificial intelligence that was made by humans to put into devices and machines to mimic the intelligence of humans using computer science. The idea was first invented by British logician and computer pioneer, Alan Mathison Turing, around the mid-20th century. However, it was almost impossible to make AI technology happen because the cost of computing was too expensive. Then, John McCarthy, also known as the “father of AI” improved and coined the term AI. After years of developing AI, it has turned into something we use almost or nearly on a daily basis. There is now almost AI in everything! It is clear that AI will replace man labor someday in the future, because of all of their numerous advantages and few disadvantages. For example, artificial intelligence gets work done more quickly, and with a higher quality. The only disadvantage with AI is that the program might crash or get hacked.

This intelligence which was originally made and created by humans, has currently surpassed human intelligence and potential in many ways. AI can be smarter than humans because they are fast at calculating algorithms or outcomes, following rules, winning at puzzles, and much more! In addition, they are able to solve complicated math problems, financial problems (which is mainly based off of math) and other mathematical formulas which is exactly what businesses and banks want. Based off of an educational website,, AI helps companies and organizations to increase the velocity and precision of strategic decision-making processes. As an example of how AI is more precise and rapid than humans are, in medical diagnoses, a result by AI systems was correct at 87% while professionals were only at 86% for detecting disease. This might not seem like a lot but it can be a matter of life and death. When clearing patients, AI was correct at 93%, while professional doctors were correct at only 91%. This result, made by dataconomy, shows pretty clearly that AI are most of the time in financial cases, smarter, and faster than human brains.

There are plenty of advantages that artificial intelligence has. Some of the advantages of AI are that they are more accurate than humans, less likely to perpetuate a human error and they have more availability time. AI is almost always accurate, they work by data and statistics, although they lack functional relationships. They are not always accurate, but they do the job they were told to do, for example, now there are more and more self checkout cashiers, for example in Costco, Walmart, Target and many more. More than 47% of stores in Canada and more than 53% of the stores in the US use self checkout. Many people may or may not know that they have AI in the machine as well. Not only is AI doing what it’s told and being precise, they also are more hardworking than some humans, they have more availability time. AI systems can work 24/7 both night shift and morning shift, but what’s even greater for the shop owner is that they don’t have to pay the AI every week or month. Artificial intelligence has many advantages that are much better than humans’ capability.

AI has not just started today or yesterday, it has been more than around 60 years, this might not seem old but people have been developing rapidly. Many people nowadays take AI and computer science courses during college and university. From, it has proven that acceptances to computer science and AI courses rose by nearly 50%. Elon Musk has once said: “If you look at the attendants at the AI conferences, they’re doubling every year; they are getting full.”, he has also said “I asked my cousin, how many of the smart students are studying AI and computer Science? And the answer was all of them!” That is the proof of how fast people are developing AI, they are growing at an extreme speed! More and more people are losing jobs, an expert on techjury has shown that in 2022 there are over 4 million industrial robots, and that is a lot of money spent on AI, around 30% of jobs will be replaced by automations, 1.5 million people in England is at also at high risk of losing their jobs because of AI. AI is helpful but also a disadvantage to our human society, this might lead to more people suffering from poverty.

Artificial intelligence isn’t something new, people all around the world have been using it, which is causing loss of jobs etc. The consequence of this can be very severe, people will most likely lose jobs, and suffer from poverty, then a consequence that is not as likely but possible is robots and AI take over the world. Many people use AI without noticing, we have almost already become dependent on AI, it has become something we use almost everyday. As for what we are seeing right now is that people are starting to become replaced, CEOs like AI more because of their intelligence and their availability time and profits that he/she will make by using AI. Many jobs are in danger and are in high risk of losing, but there are some jobs that might stay, for example teachers. Many more students are interested in computer science making something that might go against us one day, something that is dangerous to many people because of job loss and something that is smarter than us in some ways. Artificial intelligence is something we have created, but it is also something that might destroy us.

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