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Are people aware of this plastic problem?

Human actions have been affecting the animals and other living things on earth a lot. In fact, plastic can also harm humans just like animals and other living organisms who are dying out. In 2012, 288 metric tons of plastic were produced worldwide. And since then, the amount of plastic has grown and grown. Of those millions of tons, around 80 percent had been produced on land, and 20 percent of ocean trash and plastic entered the ocean directly. Plastic is a great threat to our environment, and nearly 7,000 to 35,000 plastics are floating in our oceans right now. Animals such as penguins, seals, seagulls, fish, and plankton are suffering from pollution. The plastic might get swallowed up or tangled onto the animal, causing a fatal ending or terrible wound. People may be aware, or maybe they do not know all the harm they are doing to all the animals in the world. Matthew Cole investigated if Zooplanktons (tiny microscopic creatures living in the sea) would consume plastic. So he added Polystyrene to tanks of the Zooplanktons, and after 24 hours, he observed that 13 out of 15 of the species had consumed the Polystyrene. This discovery shows that species in our ocean (including tiny Zooplankton species), are consuming plastic every minute in our oceans. Also, Mathew Cole found that microplastics limit the ability of zooplankton to consume food, and so it is a very harmful act to tiny, microscopic species like them. Pollution is affecting all of the species on earth, including us humans, but some people may not know the problems, and also the outcomes of what they are doing.

Many humans understand the effects of pollution and are trying to control their actions and others’ actions toward the environment. Some of us people know that pollution is affecting marine animals a lot, and so we are doing our best to stop throwing away so much plastic, and recycle them. Plastic is not that hard to recycle, it depends on if they want to, or not. Pollution is affecting so many living things, and some people choose to understand and control what they are doing, and also help and support other people to do the same. Many of us care for the well-being of living organisms, and so we will help them by stopping pollution, which is needed to be of many people’s hard work and care towards the animals. DDT and PCBs are pesticides that exist in the plastic in the ocean. They are very harmful to animals, and over 20,000 of them have been harmed, or killed, by them each year. DDT and PCBs are throughout the 7,000 to 35,000 plastics in the ocean and can be found commonly hitching a ride in many of them. DDT is a pesticide that is on plastic most of the time, and PCBs stand for polychlorinated biphenyls. They harm the animals so much, and even worse, when they consume plastic, they will not be able to reproduce at all. And without the ability to make more of its kind, it will soon become extinct. Humans help marine animals from their suffering, which is helping themselves as well as helping them.

As people on the earth may have no recognition of what is happening when they do not recycle a plastic bag or bottle. They do not realize the outcome of what will happen when they throw away plastic carelessly. Animals are becoming extinct because of pollution, and some of us humans do not know this. Helping animals can be very good for the environment, but some people may want to help, but they do not know how and even why they are helping them. Throwing away plastic is a natural thing for everyone to do, so they have no idea who, and what they are harming. Many humans aren’t aware of the problem they are causing when they are throwing away just a tiny piece of rubbish. Awareness is not something everyone knows, especially about plastic pollution and its harmfulness to marine life. Life on earth is valuable, but some people do not notice the change from a healthy world to a polluted planet. About 10 percent of human deposits in the bin are plastic, and 2.5 percent have entered the vast ocean. This is not in the recycling bin, so it will not recycle and will be washed into the ocean, polluting all the animals in it. Soon enough, the planet will be polluted, if they don’t do any changes to it, right now. Many people are not aware of the problem throughout the world, and they do not know that they are causing it themselves.

Pollution is a big problem, so I think that most people are definitely aware of what pollution is causing. Aware of not, I think people should all lend a hand to the animals that require help from you. If you do not know the problem you are causing, seek information from others to tell you the importance of helping animals and the harmfulness of pollution. If you do know, help them with all your lending hands. Animals are a very important part of our food chain, and also our main food source. Without them, not only will there be more and more pollution, but humans can barely survive. Fruit and vegetables are not as filling and nutritious as farm and marine animals’ food sources, and so humans cannot live for long at that rate when all animals disappeared because of the terrible pollution we caused. Most people in the world understand the outcomes of pollution and will stop throwing away quite so much plastic, and also convince friends to do the same and cooperate to save the ocean, linking to our world. People can be aware of what has happened, and if they are, they should help the animals suffering, and also maybe get rid of the 350,000 pieces, and fragments, of plastic in the ocean floating now. In my own opinion, we should all help the polluted ocean and the lives suffering in it, and we should all make ourselves aware of that.

Plastic is a huge harm to the environment with the pollution it created, and we should all be aware of whether we are or not. Plastic is an extreme danger to our planet so we must do our best to save it, and know the reason why it is caused. Awareness of the harmfulness of plastic you put in the wrong bin is very important to know. Even if some people are not aware of what has happened and why it happened, the people with the knowledge should inform them with the answers, and so that they can understand what they did to the animals and how to help cease pollution. Many people don’t know why, so we must tell them and convince them to help with pollution together. People will do anything to help the growing problem of pollution, and people who are not aware will be convinced to do the same. Many animals suffer and if we don’t help them, we will suffer the same fate as them. The growing pollution problem should be made aware to everyone, and everyone should learn about it and take part in saving our animals and also our environment. Animals are important to us, so we must help them anytime we can whether you know why it happened or not.

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