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About The Great Depression

The Great Depression was a famous event in America’s history, from 1929 to 1939. It was a time when no one had jobs, back then, only men were allowed to work, while women stayed at home and did house work. So when the men all lost their jobs, they couldn’t take care of their family because they had no more money. Farmers didn’t earn any money too because it was also the time of the Dust Bowl, another famous event in history. There were a lot of dust storms so they couldn't plant their crops and sell them anymore. Everyone was stressed out and everything was going downhill.

It started when the stock market crashed in 1929. First the company puts out some stocks in the stock market to raise money. Then an investor, who is a person who buys these stocks hoping to make a profit, buys them. Then these companies use this money to expand the company, and the investor hopefully, makes a profit by buying the stock in the end. So when the stock market crashed, all the money that was supposed to go to the companies and investors all disappeared. Now that the company was low on money, and there were no investors to purchase their stock, they laid off workers, and some even shut down. That day that the stock market crashed was called Black Thursday.

People started to suffer because they had no money, no money equals no food for them to eat. The rich who used to be wealthy, were now poor and weren’t used to this lifestyle. The rich people were either investors, company owners, or a really good employee, so when the companies shut down, and investors ran out of money, they became unemployed and poor. Now they were all stressed out over the situation, they couldn’t earn money anymore, they could only spend it. As for the poor, it affected them more than the rich, they were already out of money and now, they were even more poor. Most of these people were small business owners, so once no one came to buy their things, they ran out of money and lifesaving fast. They had to shut down their businesses too. Farmers were affected a lot by the stock market crash too, during the Great Depression. The Dust Bowl was happening at about the same time, there were droughts and dust storms all over the middle part of the U.S. This was because farmers kept on using the same piece of land over and over causing the soil to run out of nutritions and turn into dust, it wasn’t raining either so the situation worsened. So much that whenever the wind blew, it would pick up the dust and form a large cloud. Without water, and terrible conditions, the farmers couldn’t plant their crops anymore, so they didn’t earn any money.

Currently, the whole world is in a Covid-19 pandemic. A pandemic takes place when a large area of land has a contagious, and fatal disease being spread around. It started in mid 2019 in a city in China. A market was selling wild bats, and this one man bought one, ate it and got the disease. He didn’t know until a week after, by that time almost everyone had gotten the disease. And when people went across the country on planes, it spread even more, by 2020, the whole world was under lockdown. Lockdown means to stay inside for a long time because it is dangerous outside. It changed our lives dramatically just like the Great Depression. Many people lost their jobs, and many died from the disease too. Everyone was cooped up in their house, adults started working from home, and students took online classes. Luckily it is getting better now thanks to all the doctors, scientists, and the vaccines they made.

In conclusion, the Great Depression was definitely one of the worst times in America’s history. The stock market crash affected everyone’s lives radically, everyone was out of money. Everyone was suffering because they lost their jobs, the rich were low on money, farmers and the poor had no money left. Covid-19, is almost exactly like that but it was a disease, not something related to the stock market. People lost their jobs because of this, they were unemployed and couldn’t make money. They lost their homes too, and a lot died because of the disease. America will probably have more events like this in the future, but for now, nothing life threatening is going to happen.

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