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About Space Exploration

The solar system, called the Sun System in Latin, includes the sun, the eight planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), the satellites around the planets, asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. Within the solar system, the sun and the eight planets are the main parts. Specifically, the sun is in the center of the solar system and all other planets are moving around the sun. People can see some planets with their own eyes but for other planets people need to see with a telescope. Scientists found that the temperature on Mercury and Venus are so high, like around 600° in Mercury and 860° in Venus, that animals and plants cannot live there. People cannot live on Neptune, Jupiter, and Saturn either because those planets are way too cold, like 328°below zero.

Of all the planets, Earth is the “life planet”, the only planet that people can live on. Earth is the most important planet for humans because it has temperature, water, and oxygen. The temperature on Earth is just right for plants and animals. Earth is not the coldest or the hottest planet because it is the right distance from the sun and the Earth can be protected from the harmful solar radiation. In addition, all living things, from tiny bacteria to giant animals, need water to survive. About 71% of Earth’s surface is covered with liquid water. Moreover, oxygen plays a critical role for life. Humans, plants, and animals all need oxygen in the air we breathe to stay alive and the amount of oxygen in the air on Earth is enough for living things to breathe. Air water and temperature are in balanced proportions on our planet and support life.

Recently, scientists study other planets if the living conditions there are suitable for humans. So what’s wrong about the Earth? Pollution is one problem. Water pollution is when humans dump things, like factories releasing harmful chemicals or throwing plastic trash, into the river or ocean. The article “ Marine Plastic Pollution” says that at least 14 million tons of plastic are washed into the ocean every year. Many sea animals accidentally eat or are entangled by plastic trash, which causes them harm or death. Air pollution happens when people use cars and cars provide carbon dioxide because cars need fossil fuel to burn. The carbon dioxide will then go into the air and take the space of the oxygen, which not only makes all living things on Earth difficult to breathe but also causes some serious disease. Global warming is another problem. Global warming is caused by humans creating a big amount of greenhouse gas, such as carbon dioxide, in the air by burning fossil fuels. The sun’s heat will also be trapped in the thin layer of Earth, making the Earth hotter and hotter, and making the ice melt. If the ice melts completely, the polar bears will have no home to live. In addition to polar bears not getting home, there is severe weather that may be going on in the future. There will also be floods if people keep the same behavior in the future.

Obviously, humans are the main cause to destroy Earth. Is there any way humans could slow down the destruction if humans want to stay on Earth? Humans need to change their attitudes and behaviors toward protecting Earth. To solve the problem of air pollution, humans should use more physical transportation like walking or running instead of mechanical transportation like driving cars, in order to return the fresh air that humans need for breathing. As for water pollution, the owners of the factories should set up wastewater treatment facilities. According to Sensorex, wastewater treatment facilities could effectively remove chemical pollutants in wastewater before releasing them into the ocean. Humans also need to reduce the use of plastic items and make more use of recycled things. At the same time, the local or national governments need to establish some rules to prevent the pollution, like the 1972 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes and Other Matter. Moreover, people need to reduce the use of air conditioners because their chemical refrigerants can accelerate global warming.

Earth is the “life planet”, the only planet in the solar system providing air, water, and temperature that are appropriate for animals and plants to live on. However, Earth is facing some serious issues, such as pollution and global warming. Some scientists suggest exploring the possibility for humans to live on other planets. Overall, it is a good idea for humans to expand their knowledge about other planets, but it is not an effective solution for solving the problems Earth now is facing. What humans could do to protect Earth is to try their very best to keep the ecosystem balanced by not doing hurtful things toward Earth. Government set up the rules, researchers and scientists keep searching for ways to prevent pollution, and citizens change their actions to save Earth. We only have one Earth. Even a young kid can save the Earth by going to school by foot, not cars, bringing his own water bottle, not plastic water bottles, recycling the trash, or planting a tree.

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