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About Scrooge - Critical Review of A Christmas Carol

COLD MR. SCROOGE talks about the coldness and personality of Ebenezer Scrooge, the business partner of Jacob Marley. When Marley died, Scrooge didn’t even mind painting out Marley’s name, since it would cost money and affect the business. Sometimes, customers called Scrooge, and some called Marley, but Scrooge answered both; he only cared about money. He was cold not only on the outside but also in his personality. Worst of all, he hated Christmas and anything joyful happening around the town. He kept serious and cold all through the holidays since he thought that nothing was happy in this world. Nothing could affect Scrooge; and at most, just a tiny bit, but Old Mr. Scrooge would soon come back again, no matter what.

Our attitude and personality towards others and our family are very important, as it shows the gratefulness we have for them. Being a kind person in our family shows that we care about what our family members do for us. Scrooge didn’t have a very big family, as most of them passed away when he was little. His father, Franklin Scrooge, didn’t care for him and greatly abused him and his sister, Little Fan. Soon, Little Fan, his only bright light, passed away, leaving him with his nephew, Fred. But Scrooge treated Fred badly, not only because of his sister’s death but also because he didn’t care about him. At that time, Scrooge didn’t realize the respect Fred gave to him, although Scrooge repeatedly screamed at him. His coldness towards people and desire for money made everyone and nearly his family members, get frightened of him. The attitude and personality towards our family or the society around us can significantly affect others’ thoughts and behavior towards us.

Although our behavior towards the society is very important, our actions mainly show how we are. Doing something for others and showing that we are eager to do something proves our positive or negative side. In the story, Scrooge was a very cold man, not only on his appearance but also his personality. In the beginning, he did so many mean and bad actions, making everyone convinced that he was a cold-hearted man. But after the meeting with the three spirits, Scrooge became and merriest man in town. However, people didn’t realize that until he started raising all of his worker’s salaries, participating in charity, and starting to celebrate holidays. He was even famous for his best ways of celebrating Christmas. If Scrooge only started being kind to others from his personality, most people might not believe the incredible change in him. However, all of his kind-hearted actions, and how he persisted in this progress made him a person with a good reputation. Our actions and progress conclude not only our personality but also define who we really are.

We should always think first when we are doing or saying something since it could strongly affect someone else. Our personality and our actions can change not only others’ thoughts about us but also their daily lives. Scrooge’s attitude and desire for money gradually caused his friends, family, and loved ones to leave him. As a child, Scrooge’s friends often neglected him and he didn’t see his family often. When he was a young adult, he started to love someone named Belle and proposed marriage to her. But soon, his love for money overcame his love for Belle, so after realizing this, Belle married another man. Fred, Scrooge’s nephew, always cared for and love his uncle, but Scrooge didn’t show any love back. Soon, Fred and his family started to laugh at him and talk about how Scrooge hated Christmas. Bob Cratchit, Scrooge’s clerk, had a family of six, but because of the low salary he got, it wasn’t enough to have a comfortable life. Our actions and attitude not only affect others’ opinions about us but they can also affect someone’s life.

COLD MR. SCROOGE talks about Scrooge’s actions and personality in A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Scrooge was cold, mean, bad-tempered, and selfish, as his only desire in the world was money. Our behaviors and personalities in front of others briefly introduce us to strangers or unfamiliar people. On the other hand, our actions and our willingness to do something for others define who we really are. When we walk down the streets or meet new people, our personalities and actions can strongly affect others’ opinions and life. Scrooge was a cold, greedy man and had a comfortable life with his money, but didn’t realize his effect on other people.

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