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About Rosina

Rosina speaks with her hands. Rosina goes to a deaf school. In the school they learn American sign language. They study math,writing,reading,and art.Rosina plays sports with her friends.In school Rosina’s mom and aunt are deaf too.Her mom is the class helper.Her aunt has a job.This job is to help students and teachers learn about different cultures.After school, Rosina, her brother and her dad play chess. Her dad wins everytime. Rosina’s family helps her mom to cook dinner. Rosina has many aunts and uncles.They are all deaf but they are also happy too.

Rosina’s class has math,writing, reading,art,and sports and I learn these things too. In class, Rosina studies math, writing, reading, art, and plays sports. I learn these things too. In her school, there are school helpers, and they help the teachers. There are also Librarians, and they help children read stories. Not all people can be teachers ,helpers, or librarians because they might not Know American Sign Language.

After school, Rosina takes a shower. Then, at home they all help to make tacos and I do it too. Rosina and her dad play a game called chess, and so do I. Rosina’s brother Emilio roots for her because he wants Rosina to win but their dad wins anyway. I don’t have a brother to help me so I lose the game every time. Rosina’s family has so many people: There are uncles, I have uncles and ants but I didn’t have so many uncles and ants. I have two grandpas and two grandmas. Rosina’s life is the same as mine.

Why don’t we want to be deaf and why don’t we want our kids to be deaf? Because we will not hear the sound if we are deaf, and our Kids might be deaf, too! All the deaf people will have some difficulty in study, expression, life and work. As long as the deaf people live like normal people they will be excited. We can help deaf people with some jobs, schools. Deaf people need to go to deaf schools that teach sign language, they can not study knowledge because if they go to normal schools. Normal schools don’t teach sign language but deaf schools do. Then deaf kids can learn art,writing,and math in deaf schools.And they can play sports in deaf school. Deaf people need to work because they will not have money to spend and buy clothes, food, and themselves.

Rosina’s deaf so she goes to a deaf school. In her school she learns normal classes like our school. Her mom and aunt are working in this deaf school because they are deaf and they know sign language. After school, Rosina takes a shower and helps her mom make dinner with her dad and brother. After this, Rosina plays chess with his father. Her life is the same as ours. Rosina has a big family with many aunts and uncles. As long as the deaf people can learn, have a job, and have family, they are the same as us.

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