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About Loneliness - Critics on Sarah, Plain and Tall

Loneliness is a universal and deeply human experience that affects people across all ages, cultures, and walks of life. Loneliness is a feeling when you think you don’t have enough friends or people to talk to. It’s like feeling alone even if there are people around you. Imagine being on a playground with lots of kids, but no one is playing with you or talking to you. The novel "Sarah Plain and Tall" written by Patricia Maclachlan talks about Jacob looking for a new mother. Anna, Caleb, and Jacob all missed their mother. Caleb didn't have a mother because his mother died one day after Caleb was born. So Jacob wanted a new wife, Sarah answered. After she came, she already missed the sea, and her brother. But they were all trying their best to let Sarah feel welcomed into the family. They fixed the roof and it rained. They went into the barn just in time. Sarah wanted to drive the wagon by herself in town. The children were all worried that she would leave them, but she came back with a surprising gift! She brought back the color of the sea.

Sarah is lonely because of leaving her family, friends, home, and the sea. She frequently writes letters to her brother back in Maine, expressing her feelings and longing for the sea. This indicates her emotional attachment to her old home and the people she left behind. She also talked about how good life in Maine was and how he missed the sea. She had to adapt to the new family. While Sarah is welcomed by Jacob and his children, she still feels the challenge of integrating into a new family dynamic and earning their acceptance and love.

 Papa is lonely because his wife died during childbirth, leaving him to take care of the children and farm. Papa is lonely because he lost his companionship with his wife. Papa's placed an advertisement, seeking a new wife and a partner. He raised the children alone. And raising two kids on a giant farm is a challenge. He lacks a partner to share the responsibilities and emotional burden. He needs a wife to support him, whether it’s at the farm or the children. 

Anna, the older sibling, remembers her mother and feels the deep loss more acutely. She misses the maternal care and the bond they shared. Anna often thinks of memories of her mother and the time before her death. Caleb was a baby when his mother died, so he doesn’t remember her. He feels the absence more as a gap in his life and is curious about what having a mother would be like. Caleb’s persistent questions about his mother and whether Sarah will stay reflect his loneliness and need for a maternal figure. Caleb’s immediate bond with Sarah, as shown through his excitement and efforts to please her, reveals his yearning for maternal love and connection.

Loneliness is a common and natural part of the human experience. Everyone feels lonely sometimes, If you move to a new place change a new job, or lose a friend, you may probably feel lonely and sad. Even if you are with your best friends and some other friends, you might still be lonely. no matter how less or many there are, you might still be lonely, even though you’re laughing with your friends. it’s okay to feel that way. It’s important to find ways to connect with others and to know that there are always people who care about you and want to be your friend. You can find your hobbies, do exercise, join clubs, and ask for support or help to help you relax your stress level and loneliness.

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