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About Loneliness - Critics on Sarah, Plain and Tall

Basic Elements:

Characters (who): Sarah, Anna (narrator), Caleb (Brother) Jacob (Father)  Setting (When / Where) : Anna’s house during late 19th century

Plot (What’s Wrong): Anna, and Caleb’s brother died when Caleb was born.

Genre: Novel, Children’s book

Perspective: First person (I)

This story talks about a family whose mother or wife died, so they searched for a new, and they had many adventures together. Loneliness is a feeling everyone has. It is usually common in the adult stages because that’s when many people lose their family members like the old relatives. Loneliness is when your all alone, and your sad, think about someone in an dark old house by themselves, his parents, and siblings all died from a disease, he sits alone in his empty bedroom and remembers the joy he and his family had when they were alive. That is loneliness. 

Sarah is lonely when she goes to Anna’s house because she is separated from her family in Maine. Sarah has to make a choice to live with Anna, and her family or to go back to Maine. Either of these choices will make her lonely. Sarah decides to live with Anna because his brother is already married and has a family. So now her house is theirs not hers. But when Sarah lives at Anna’s house, she is still lonely because she misses her brother, even though they are married, he is still her brother. 

Jacob is lonely because his wife died. The evidence of this is because when his wife was alive there was singing in the night, and there were lots of joy in the family. But, when she died, the colors faded, and the songs were no longer heard in the house. He also raises the kids harshly, more harsh then when the mother or wife was alive. Another piece of evidence is that when his wife died, Jacob went on to look for a new wife, that means he misses having a wife for himself, and a mother for the children.

The kids are lonely in a different way. Let’s talk about Anna first. Anna is lonely because she forgot to say good night I love you to her mother, that is bad because saying goodbye I love you is something traditional in American countries. So Anna regrets the choice of not saying that. Caleb is sad because he never had a mother before. He does have Sarah but she is not his real mother. His real mother passed away before he got a chance to see her.

Loneliness to normal people is when you have no one in touch, no lover, or sometimes they lose their family members, or friends for example their best friends moved away from town, interests like nothing can attract them, also sometimes when you have a good idea, and no one believes you that makes you lonely because no one is on your side, and no one who understands you. That is loneliness to normal people.

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