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Legends are a folklore genre mostly about fantasy worlds and monsters, with a lesson or moral behind them. Every legend has a happy ending at the end, where families reunite, and where the main character(s) defeat the monsters or evil spirits. In the two legends, “El Enano” and “Dragon, dragon”, the main character or a group of people encounter problems and solve them, step by step. In “El Enano”, a monster known as El Enano targeted a village, started eating all the food and damaging all the properties there, and wouldn’t go away. But the wise fox and the town cooperated to trick El Enano into eating some hot coals, making him explode and gone forever. In “Dragon, dragon”, a dragon was cursing a kingdom until the king couldn’t handle it and made a deal to slay the monster, to which the Cobbler’s three sons agreed. The first two all failed, but the youngest one listened to his father and defeated the dragon, one and for all.

In legends, there are always the protagonists and the antagonists, but every monster and evil spirit gets defeated in the end, especially for their evil thoughts and tricks. Everyone good and kind to everyone would live happily and peacefully in the future; while every antagonist that thinks of evil schemes and who is rude would always get defeated or live in misery. In “El Enano”, the fox and villagers complete their task of getting rid of the evil and horrifying monster, El Enano; while he exploded, the whole village and the fox stayed peaceful and happy forever. In “Dragon, dragon”, the kingdom celebrated after their heroin, the Cobbler’s youngest son, defeated the evil dragon that was cursing the kingdom. Every legend has a happy ending where the good and kind ones lived happily ever after, whereas the mean and horrifying monsters and demons get defeated by the protagonists. Each legend shows us a moral to not do bad things and think about evil thoughts, otherwise, we would meet the consequences of it. Legends mainly talk about the story between good and evil spirits, where the good ones who are always kind and friendly defeat the evil ones.

Being a smart, obedient, kind, and good person in legends is very important, as all of the heart-warming and brave people become a hero whom everyone loves and respects. The ones with knowledge, beauty, courage, and kindness all have an advantage in the end, while the ones who are selfish, disobedient, and have over-confidence would lure into the background as they watch the others get complimented. In “El Enano”, the good old lady was very nice and caring when she decided to help the child, and the wise old fox was very clever and brave to volunteer to defeat El Enano. In “Dragon, dragon”, the first two brothers were disobedient and had too much self-confidence, and failed in the end, as they watched their younger brother get cheered by the whole kingdom. Legends teach us to have at least one bright side and never show too much of one’s greedy and selfish side because the consequences might pull one down a level. Even if we are born not as smart as another, not so pretty as another, and not so wealthy and respected as another, we could at least be kind and try to be helpful to others. Just like in the story “Cinderella”, she wasn’t as respected and wealthy as her stepsisters, but the only thing that mattered was that she was kind and helpful in any way. The most important thing, not only in legends or stories but also in our lives is, to always be kind and patient to make a good impression on others.

Listening to our elders and our family is very important, especially because they might have a ton of experience and knowledge on a subject that we might not know of. Our elders and family might know a lot more than we do, and they are the safest options because no loving mother, or loving father, or loving grandparent would ever think of saying something dishonest towards their children or grandchildren. In “El Enano”, the good old lady and the villagers didn’t believe the wise fox and didn’t agree with him on his plan. But after hearing his actual plan, they realized that the fox was very smart and clever, and decided to cooperate with him. In “Dragon, dragon”, the first two brothers didn’t listen to their father and thought that he was old and silly, but they both failed. The youngest brother, however, listened to his father’s advice and succeeded in killing the dragon. When it comes to things we don’t understand, aren’t very familiar with, or thing that we never experienced, we should ask a trusted elder or family who understand the concept or experienced it. If multiple people understand something very well, then it depends on the amount of trust we have in each person. If we had to choose between our family and the class bully, it is safer to choose our family, since we won’t know if the class bully is lying, but on the other hand, we could always trust and count on our family. When there is information and concepts we don’t know about or experienced before, we should ask our family or trusted friends.

Legends are interesting and amusing novels that talk about a fantasy story with important morals and messages. The legends “El Enano” and “Dragon, dragon”, talk about heroes who eventually defeat the antagonists and monsters, as the world soon begins to become the normal, peaceful, and happy one. In legends, the ones who do good things live their lives in happiness and peace, while the ones who create evil schemes and are mean all the time live the rest of their lives in misery and failure. Being a person who is good at everything could be very hard, but people should be at least kind and try to be helpful to others during their hardships. Moreover, we should always listen to our parents or family, since they might know a lot more than we do, and we should at least try to complete the tasks we are given since our family just wants us to be a persevering and happy person in the future.

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