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About Legends

Legends are told everywhere, but what are legends exactly? Legends are traditional stories that are fantasy and almost always have a moral to the story. Some examples of legends are El Enano and Dragon, Dragon. El Enano written by Charles Joseph Finger about El Enano, who was adopted by a kind lady but he was an ugly and ungrateful creature and he always wanted more and more. Dragon, Dragon written by John Gardner about a kingdom asking for volunteers for slaying the dragon, three siblings tried, the eldest and the middle brother failed, and the younger one succeeded. Legends have a lot in common, most legends have an antagonist and a protagonist and it is almost always a good and happy ending. Most authors use dragons, witch/wizard, pirate, mermaid…etc. as some of the characters. These stories might be history based or have a piece of truth and then the author adds in some fantasy retells which are called originate. It is also a great source of knowledge for people to help them succeed, because of the morals.

We read legends most of the time to learn from morals or just for entertainment. It usually teaches you to be a good person and to be kind to others. It might also talk about karma, if you do something good, you will have good results and if you do something bad you will have bad results. Some of these cases might be, El Enano, he has done a lot of harm to the village that he was from when he was younger, because he has been a ungrateful, greedy creature he had bad results, including the red coal. Almost all of the legends have happy endings at the end, even though the conflict might be really big. Legends usually end with the antagonist, most of the time being villain, monster or devil, getting defeated. Dragon, dragon is a great case, it showed that even though two heroes were eaten up by the dragon, the dragon gets defeated in the end anyways. Legends are really interesting even though you don’t exactly know what is going to happen, you know that there will be a happy ending. Legends can be read for different purposes, to learn or just for fun.

Legends wants people to become better in personality from stories. People want to give kids good stories and examples from a young age to become successful and to be kind to each other. From a young age education on legends, we people are able to learn to be kind to each other and to be hard working, to become successful in life in the future. Stories not only tell us to be kind but also to be brave. The brothers in dragon, dragon were very brave to be able to even try and slay the dragon at their own risk or being swallowed. We females need this more than anyone, most men were taught to be brave like the brothers, but not in many stories does it talk about girl power. People believe a lady should be a lady and men to be brave and to try everything. Another personality that we were taught is not to be greedy. People like El Enano, greedy people don’t usually get good results at the end, it might start well but end in a disaster. Legend books are here because they want children to get a good education from childhood.

There is of course a lot more than just becoming kinder in person, and learning morals, there are also taking other people’s advice. In a lot of stories after not taking other people’s advice, people regretted it and had bad results. Sometimes it’s good to not take other people’s advice, but if it is good advice, you should follow it. In Dragon, dragon, the eldest and the middle child didn’t listen to their father, ending up regretting, on the contrary, the youngest child listened to his father and succeeded. In most cases, listening to other people’s advice is a good idea because they might have ideas that you didn’t think of before. Sometimes it might sound silly but it is usually good, even if it sounds silly you should give it a try. Another example is from El Enano, the villagers listened to the fox’s idea and they got El Enano to disappear. Sometimes listening to your parents or an adult is the best choice.

Legends can be read for many different purposes, but why should we read them? From legends we can learn or we can just read it for amusement. Reading legends means we can learn how to be a kinder person in personality and to be kinder in actions. El Enano shows that the old lady was very kind and in the end she got good results having El Enano gone. Legends can also tell you to be brave, you can say that legends are a source of inspiration. Telling kids to be brave is sometimes very hard, giving them inspiration to be brave and leading them to be brave in the future is easier. Dragon, Dragon gives inspiration to be brave like the 3 siblings, even though two of them didn’t succeed but they gave effort and they were brave enough to try, unlike the soldiers. There are other things we can learn from legends, don't be greedy, listen to your elders or just even think before action. Most of the time these little things are easy for kids to listen and to follow. Reading legends can be for multiple reasons, some of them including giving inspiration to kids, learning or just for entertainment.

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