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About Legend

Legends are told by every generation in every culture, but what is a legend? A legend is a story that usually seems quite realistic, and sometimes is based on fact, but it often has fictional elements added in to make the story more interesting. Two examples of legends are El Enano and Dragon, Dragon. El Enano is about an evil dwarf named El Enano who constantly pranks the villagers, who is finally defeated by the kind villagers, who give him burning coals that make him explode. Dragon, Dragon is about three kids who try to defeat a dragon that is plaguing the kingdom, but only the youngest one follows his fathers advice and successfully slays the dragon. Legends are made to be very entertaining, but also to teach us insightful lessons.

Doing good things leads to good results, and doing bad things leads to bad results, so you should always do good things instead of bad things. What you do determines your fate. In El Enano, El Enano was threatening the villagers and eating all their food, and he ended up exploding into a thousand pieces. In Dragon, Dragon, the youngest brother listened to his father, and he ended up slaying a dragon, winning the hand of a princess, gaining half the kingdom, and he got lots of treasure. In these legends, the bad guy died. These legends are made to teach us that doing bad things has consequences, but doing good things will reward you. That is why you should always do good things and not do bad things. All legends are built around one obvious common theme: be a good person and do good things.

Doing good things leads to good results because good guys don’t only fight for personal gain, they fight for their values, so in many legends the good guys always defeat the evil villains in the end. That is a common feature of legends: a happy ending. In El Enano, the villagers defeated El Enano and stopped starving to death because El Enano couldn’t eat all of their food anymore, and in Dragon, Dragon, the people in the kingdom stopped being harassed by the evil dragon when the respectful and helpful third son killed it. Everyone was happy, except the antagonist, or the villain, so that’s why it’s called a happy ending. Usually, a happy ending is caused by completing a quest or succeeding the protagonist’s goal. The good guys win because they are good natured, and they can rally their friends to help them defeat their enemies. But the bad guys usually will not have anyone to ask for help, and they will be alone. Good vs evil is a constantly raging battle, but good always beats evil, no matter what.

The theme of good beats evil is a classic, but there are other themes inside legends. Themes often teach important lessons that help you in life. The main secondary themes in El Enano and Dragon, Dragon are listen to your elders and being greedy has consequences. In El Enano, El Enano was very greedy and kept on taking the villager’s food, and he ended up dying. In Dragon, Dragon, the eldest son and the second eldest son didn’t listen to his father were defeated by the dragon, but the third one took his father’s advice and survived, and he slew the dragon and took its treasure. Sometimes the best choice is to listen to your elders because they can give you good advice that you can use, and not to be greedy because it leads to terrible things. These themes are all great ways to teach young people important morals. Those morals come from the secondary themes in legends.

To this day, legends are still read because they offer knowledge and amusement. Reading legends can brighten our day or teach us an important lesson. They are a source of inspiration that give us the courage and motivation to be kind. El Enano and Dragon, Dragon are both great examples of legends because they are very entertaining, and they teach valuable lessons such as listen to your elders and don’t be greedy. They also have the common feature of a happy ending, which satisfies the reader. Legends should be read because they are entertaining and they teach us moral lessons.

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