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About Kids' Doing Charity

There are a lot of ways that we could help others. Some people are poor and cannot have a good life. Those people are the people that need our help. We could be volunteers. Or we could do charity. Doing charity is to give money or things to others without getting money. It is like we give them our money or clothes without taking money from them. It is easy to do charity. First, we need to get the money. It is not only the grown-ups that could have money, but we could also make things and sell them. It is also a way of getting money. Some people are making lemonade, some are washing the car. They are not trying to get money for themselves, they will give it to poor people. This is an easy way of doing charity.


  From Angels’ story, we know that you don’t have to be very powerful, famous, or rich to do charity. Even if we are just common people like everybody. Even if we are just children. We could still do charity. Charity is not about how much money or things that we give out. It is about if we did it or not. Sometimes, children could only take out 1 dollar. But, using this 1 dollar, it could still help the poor people or other people a lot. Sometimes, people are so hungry that they are going to die, but now 1 dollar has come to them. This may be the money to save their life. So, children could sell and make things to get money and do charity too. We don’t have to be so powerful.


  Compare my traits with angels, it is easy for me to do charity. Sometimes, if we bought dolls on the internet, it is cheap. Because it is cheap, we could buy a lot of them. If we don’t want to spend our parent’s money, we could make lemonade or other drinks that are so easy to make. If we don’t know how to make them, it is even ok for us just to add sugar in the water to make sugar water. When we sell them, we could get a lot of money. Then, we could give it to others. See, it is so easy to do charity. Even if we are not so lucky as Angel that her letter became famous, we still have a lot of ways to do charity.


  Right now, in modern society, we have more ways to develop. There are a lot more things that we could do. For example, sell things on the internet. There are much more people on the internet than people in the market. More people will come to buy our things. Also, we could send messages on the internet to say that we need a lot of money to help people. I believe that there are a lot of caring people in the world. They will be happy to help people. If we come up with a message that says who is needing a lot of money, they may help us. 


 In conclusion, there are a lot of ways to do charity. It is not a difference of if we are a grown up or a child. If it is hard or easy to do charity. It is the difference between if we want to do it or not. Doing charity is helping a lot of people to survive or live better. Sometimes, 1 dollar is the money that helps a man to survive. A kid could also do charity. It is really easy to get money. Or if we really don’t have money. We could give out our old clothes that we can’t wear anymore. They could recycle it and make it into other things and give it to the poor people or they could just wear it directly.

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