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About Kids' Doing Charity

Lots of people think that charity is only donating money but that is wrong there could be lots more to that. Every now and then we donate some money to charities. We are going to talk about charities today but first we need to know what even is a charity. A charity is where people donate money or help a place in need. In my school (Bangkok Patana School) we have lots of chances for students to do charities like the one we have now and we donate money to a place called “Home of Grace ''. Home of Grace provides help for pregnant women living in difficult circumstances and they need to restore their windows and us students need to donate money. When we donate money it is not some boring thing like giving money to the teacher and letting the teacher take care of the rest. This time we donate by shooting baskets in basketball and we need to find adults to sponsor us and in that way we can receive money and there is a competition between the classes of who has collected the most money and who shot the most hoops. We get the job done and we have fun at the same time, win, win! When we have to do charity and our schools don’t have activities to get money then we can do our own kind of little business and we can open lemon juice stales and bypassers can come and buy lemon juice, or students that are older can hold car washes or like a mini competition of football and passerbys can play a mini competition and they can take entry fees. There are lots of ways we can do charities and we are going to learn more in the next few paragraphs!

When we do charity and donate money and service to a certain place some people might think that we will have to be wealthy, strong, famous and even mature to do it well. That is wrong because anybody can do charity. You just need the money and the intention to donate money to do it. In my school students as young as year one do charity and that is already young and it is like only five years old and they can spell words and if they get it correct adults or friends can give money, it improves their spellings and also they get money to donate and we do charities up to teenagers and even older possibly. In the charity we are doing now, even the teachers do it and they donate money alongside the students. Some people who are rich and powerful donate money to charities like Bush (George Walker Bush) Lincoln and Gore all donate money, Clinton gave a total of $39,200 to charity last year, while the Gores gave $15,000. Mr. Bush announced that he and his wife provided $210,000 to churches and charities. When children donate they know that they are helping their community which can lead to them being aware of their surroundings and helping whenever they can. Also when we donate money we feel happy because we know that the money can go and help places in need. 

When we give money to charity and service to the place in need there might only be a few people who know about this and even if those people donate money then the place in need might still not have enough money and support and it will still be in need. That is why we should tell everyone about it and now since we have the internet, social media and other modern things that help us communicate it should be an easy task to spread the news and let everyone know. The good thing about that is because if everyone knows then more people will care and more people will donate and the place will have enough money to support themselves. Back in the days when people didn't have phones people had to rely on letters and some people like Angel tried the news and Angel’s letter got published on the news and people all knew about it and off she went collecting money to donate to the zoo and people as far away as london donated money and Angel went around and gave speeches to schools and she collected money and slowly but surely she got enough money to donate to the zoo along with other people and the zoo recovered from its money problem and it was open again for visitors. If we can spread the news of places in need then there are people out there willing to donate and make the world a better place.   

When we do charity and hold our own little sail like a car wash or a lemonade stand we can show leadership and lots of teachers are looking for that leadership skill and they want these people because they have responsibility, they demonstrate a willingness to help others, to listen empathetically, and to make sound decisions and those are all equally important. If we have those then when we hold a sail we can have leadership and organise things nicely and don’t make people fuss and if that happens then it will delay time and it won't be good. These people with leadership are likely to become leaders of more important things. Angel is a child with leadership she asks the news and when the news publishes her letter then people are intrigued to help and more people donate and help and eventually the zoo gets 600,000 dollars and they fix the pathway to the reptile house where the boa constrictor lives. It has also put in cushioned floors in the giraffe barn, plastered the seal pool, and fixed the rain forest bridge, plus they also repaired the buildings and repainted them. And the zoo was back in business. I am sure if animals can talk they would definitely say thank you to Angel. The zoo also thanks Angel of course.

We know what a charity is now and we don’t have to be powerful, rich or anything related to that to do charity. You only need the money and the heart to give it to charity. When we do charity then it is best to let people know there is a charity going on and they can donate and it will be nice because the charity can receive more money and the more money the better and like Angel said "Give a dollar save a life.". When we have leadership it can lead people to do the right thing like Angel. She led the donation to the zoo and people joined and donated money and their services to the zoo and in the end the zoo was renewed almost and it opened again for visitors all thanks to Angel.

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