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About Female Education

Ever since the world existed, there have been humans of originally two genders. Male and female. Once the earth became more developed, we began to notice unfair advantages for males, such as the fact that they earn more money or get treated better. This is still a problem we have to face to this day. It’s called discrimination, which means one community of people gets a higher advantage than another community. In this case, we are talking about males and females. Of course, this is not a good thing, and many brave women dedicated their lives to try to stop discrimination and to strengthen female education. One of the best examples of these amazing individuals is Malala Yousafzai. She fought for a better female education program, and it is because of those people that we, as females, are allowed to have quality education, or even a resource to education.

What is female education and its purposes? Well, there is, for one, knowledge and education itself. Knowledge is something that, in life, we must possess to stay civilized and to keep the world advanced and good. For example, if we never learned anything, we wouldn’t be able to even have lightbulbs, or computers. We wouldn’t know how to split things equally if it weren’t for math, and we wouldn’t be able to communicate if it weren’t for books. Education is basically all of those subjects we must master to allow the earth to thrive and become the best habitat for all living creatures, animals, and humans included. This involves females because even though life is obviously not fair, we can’t have almost half the population have nothing to do with their lives, and we must take education seriously for all people. Not everyone has an education, but still, women should also have access to education.

Women who really want an education have the courage to speak up for themselves, or for all. This brings us to honour and courage. Let’s talk about honour. Well, this is mostly to honour the women who have died or have gone through great lengths just so women would have the same education as men so that we can all thrive. We should honour these people because not only did they change the world, they made it a better place. The world itself still has much to improve to this day, but we’re working on it. We should remember the people that were part of helping the world become more advanced and a place we can feel safe living in and not feel uncomfortable that many others have better education than us. Why do we honour them? Because of their courage, because of how brave they were to risk their lives for something that should already have existed, which is female education. That’s why courage is a very big part of female education, since this ‘female education’ wouldn’t even exist without people’s courage.

When we have a problem, sometimes, we run away from it, but sometimes we are resilient which makes us successful. This means that we use the themes resilience and success. Many people wonder: how is resilience linked with success? Well, the people who are more resilient tend to be those who are more successful. This is because they don’t give up and keep going no matter what, and not giving up is a big part of success. Many women are resilient towards the discrimination of women and the little amount of education they’re receiving. Even though people told them many times that this law was impossible to change, they held their ground. Failed attempt after failed attempt, they kept on trying, until finally…success. They had succeeded in getting female education on a more advanced level, to almost the same as males. If they had given up and not been resilient, we, as women, still wouldn’t have education and there would have been no success in that mission to get the education that we deserve.

Female education is something that is still debatable to this day. But the fact that it exists is because of the wonderful women who fought for this cause, who fought for something that should’ve already existed, yet didn’t. It’s because of the people that held their guard, that stayed resilient, that got us to where we are now. Many inventions were made by women, many crucial ones that we use daily. And it was because of the people that allowed female education to exist, that these inventions were made, that these women discovered they were one of a kind. These 6 themes, knowledge and education, honour and courage, resilience and success are all linked to female education, they are all parts of why it exists today. I am very grateful for these people for kind of lowering the discrimination rate and getting a brand new kind of education for women. That is why I believe female education is an essential topic to talk about.

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