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About Female Education

Female education is different in many places of the world, since different places view women differently. Some places view women as equal to men, while other places discriminate against their gender. They do not accept women as students in their education school. In the story, women are discriminated against in the character’s society. They do not like females in their schools, so they refuse to give them any type of knowledge from their educational school. Other schools, however, can take women without a problem. They do not discriminate against girls, and treat them equally to boys. The story “The Rose which Grew from Concrete '' is a story that describes the life of a Pakistani girl who got shot by a person from Taliban. She was not allowed to go to school, so now she is fighting for the permission to let every female go to school. Female education is limited in many parts of the world because of a woman’s gender.

Education and knowledge are at different levels in many different schools for females who want to learn. Some schools are not advanced, so they do not teach a lot of things to educate students. They also do not allow females to learn. In the story, Malala, a girl, was not allowed to go to school in her own society. She was always discriminated against, so she was not allowed to gain knowledge or have education. The people in her country always thought that girls were not supposed to be educated, and they should only do housework, such as cleaning, taking care of people, and cooking. Education and knowledge should not be limited. Everybody should have a right to it, since there are no reasonable restrictions to gaining knowledge. Women should also be allowed to learn and go to schools. They should be given the same treatment as men were given, so they should not be discriminated against for their gender. Female education should be existent and well in all places, since females deserve to have equal treatment as boys do. Feminine education is limited in certain places, since people do not agree to the fact that they should be able to learn and not only do housework.

Having feminine education and actually going to a school takes courage, and the results can lead to honor. Female people in Pakistan are not allowed to go to school. Going to school takes courage to not get caught and shot. Going to a school can bring honor to somebody’s family because it is rare for a female to go to a school. In the story, Malala has courage to actually fight for women's right to education. She wouldn’t have fought if she wasn’t brave. Her actions bring honor to her family because it makes them proud and somewhat recognized. Having courage to go to a female educational school can bring respect to the rest of the family and the person who had the courage to do so. Having courage to do something usually results in a positive result or outcome, and in this case, it would be honor and respect. Doing something other people are afraid to do brings female respect, and can improve the female fight that they should be able to be educated. Courage to go to a feminine school or inventing one can bring honor and respect to the whole female gender, the person’s family, and the person herself who did the action.

Resilience and success can also relate to each other when in the topic of having female education for all females who want to participate in learning. Resilience in trying to do something results in success because when somebody keeps trying, they will learn from each one, and therefore succeed in what they want to do. If somebody gives up quickly, they do not try to persevere and reach the goal, which is why they will most likely not succeed. Malala in the story does not give up fighting for female education, and her father doesn’t either. They eventually are successful in reaching their goal. Resilience in always trying to reach a goal results in success. People who have success are the people who are the best in life. They would have good opportunities because of their success. Resilience is important for success in doing a certain thing.

Female education is great in some places, but in others, it can not even be there. There can be only schools for boys in some countries, because they despise girls. Malala overcame this problem, and developed female education. Because of her hard work, resilience, and courage, she became famous and known. She has become successful in her work. Female education is sometimes stopped because of discrimination against most women.

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