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About Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt, today, is remembered as a very impactful and great first lady in the United States. Born on October 11, 1884, Eleanor was overlooked and not cared for from the moment of her birth, especially from her mother. Stricken by the early death of her parents and her brother, she was sent to live in Grandmother Hall’s gloomy mansion in Manhattan. There, Eleanor was always sad, and grew up as a frightened, lonely, sad girl. As she reached her teenage years, she was sent to Allenswood, an all-girls school. There, Eleanor worked to toughen herself physically. During her fourth year, she didn’t return, but instead spent her time going to debutantes and balls. She met Franklin Delano Roosevelt on a train, and the couple married in 1905. In 1921, F. D. R was crippled by polio, but regained his strength and was elected president in 1933. After his death in 1945, Elearnor continued her social work, visiting slums and working with the WTUL and the UN. All the way until her death in 1962, Eleanor opened many doors and made the job of First Lady more prominent. Today, she is widely regarded as one of the best women in U.S history. 

A person’s appearance is the most shallow part of a person. Really, don’t judge a person by their appearance. Will you stop being friends with a really nice person just because they look bad? You shouldn’t. As a child, Eleanor Roosevel was regarded as unattractive, not charming, and not able to make it socially. However, with her grandmother’s influence and Allenswood academy, Eleanor actually grew to be very outgoing and easy to talk to. In the passage, it stated that, “Although as a child she had been brought up to be formal and distant, she had grown to feel at ease with people.” Even though Eleanor was shy at first, she actually had the potential inside of her to become easygoing and easy to like. Everybody thought that she would amount to nothing, but she beat them all down by becoming first lady and a symbol of determination and resilience. She brought her work around the globe, and slowly, people actually started to accept her ideas. She defined the role of first lady, and made the U.S. a better place. Looks are only the cover, it’s the personality that’s the real content. Looks can be deceiving, but they are what you always see first. 

A powerful person is oftentimes an impactful person. People who have power are the people who make change. Without power, you won’t have the privilege to make change. When F. D. R got elected president, Eleanor knew that her social life was just starting. Using F. D. R’s influence, she managed to help the Rec Cross build more amenities, and changed living conditions for many for the better. She worked with WTUL and even showed F. D. R what needed to be done for the country’s benefit. Without her, the U.S might have been drastically different. Using her power, Eleanor was able to make a strong impact on others, a positive one. She made the role of First Lady bolder, shinier, and polished it so that it shone against everything else. Instead of just manipulating others negatively, Eleanor used her power and influence to change for the good. Power comes with a price. It comes with the price of willpower, restraint, and self-control. Power is a privilege. It’s a privilege that should only be given to those who deserve it and know how to use it. 

The environment brings you to who you are, and then you are given the chance to mold the environment to what you want it to be. You can’t control what family you are born in. You can’t control where you're born. But after a while, you can control it. You can mold the environment to your desire. Eleanor was born in a cool, distanced, and tense environment. Her mother didn’t care for her, and her brothers were already doted on by their mother. Only her father was there for her, and she still lost him at his early death. When Elarnor was sent to live with Grandmother Hall, she didn’t have a good environment there, either. After Allenswood though, when F. D. R became president. She reshaped the environment, and reshaped the U.S so that it could get the better of most things, and advocated for human rights so the people could also get better conditions. Eleanor was born under harsh circumstances, but in the end, she managed to turn the table and she was the one who was shaping the circumstances. You have to make the best you can out of hard situations. Our world defines us, and then, we define the world. 

In all, Elearnor Roosevelt is truly an amazing figure in United States history. She dug her own path, and walked out of earshot of everyone else’s underestimation of her, and came out on top.  Apart from her generous work advocating for human rights, Eleanor also clearly re-defined the role of a U.S first lady. She made powerful impacts on the entire country, and her imprints that were left behind are still appreciated today. Elearno Roosevelt, though underestimated by many people during her childhood, stamped out everybody’s doubt and rose out on top, as a great first lady and a prominent figure in advocacy for human rights. Eleanor showed her true colors by standing out among the crowd and doing what she believed was right, not what others thought was right. Eleanor developed from a young, shy, and lonely girl into an easygoing, bold, and impactful lady. Today, Eleanor Roosevelt is remembered as one of the greatest ladies in U.S history.

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