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About Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt is a very important person who contributed to America’s history. She was the wife of Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the US. Eleanor Roosvelt is highly praised today for her contributions to America’s politics but her childhood was the complete opposite. Eleanor’s parents wanted a boy but got her instead so her mother never showed her as much love. She wasn’t a pretty sight either, many called her ugly which caused her to become lonely, withdrawn, and was very afraid of making mistakes, let alone animals, people, the dark, the list goes on and on. After her parents died, she lived in her grandma’s house where she had to take cold baths, practiced posture, and so on. This made her more lonely and would often think of her dad as he was the only one that showed her love. But after going back to school, she improved a lot. She gained respect as she was good at field-hockey, she had good grades, taught gymnastics, became a political enthusiast, and so on. She then married Franklin Roosevelt which was the start of her career.

Eleanor Roosevelt had a huge effect on America’s political history. It started when she married Franklin Roosevelt, she was already interested in politics as she was a political enthusiast. Franklin also became president, Eleanor took advantage of this and was able to enforce many helpful laws using his power. For example, she was part of this group called the Women’s Trade Union League. She learned about the people who lived in poverty and how the real world was like. Then she used this knowledge and got Franklin Roosevelt to enforce laws such as keeping children out of factories and keeping them in schools instead. She also stood up for many other things such as racism. Everytime she attended something, she insisted on sitting with the black people to make a statement. She stood up for women’s rights too and got laws giving them equal work hours and salaries. She even helped draft the United Declaration of Human Rights. The president that took Franklin’s place after his death, Harry Trusman, even insisted that she continue politics as she was a huge contributor to America, and that without her, America would be close to nothing.

Eleanor did not only contribute to America’s politics, but also helped the citizens of America themselves. In the groups she was part of, she learned about the people who live in slums, which are poor towns in large cities. She would sometimes visit them and learn about the people suffering in poverty and would help them. During the Great Depression she worked in charity kitchens and made soup for the poor and then hungry. And during WWI she worked 15-16 hours everyday knitting sweaters and making sandwiches for the soldiers. She also used Franklin’s power to persuade the Red Cross to build a recreation room for the soldiers who were shell-shocked in the war. And during WWII, Eleanor helped the Red Cross save money, she donated blood, and did something that surprised everyone. She would often go to barracks and hospitals and visit the soldiers there. She would always say something special to each and everyone of the soldiers, she was even able to leave a tear in some eyes. Many people adored her and were able to find hope from listening to her words.

Many people might think that Eleanor’s fame came from her relations to important people like her husband as he was the president. And although yes, that did help her along the way, most of her accomplishments were made by herself. It was rare to have a woman do such important things back then as only men could work while women stayed at home to do housework. Eleanor worked hard, it was her determination and beliefs that got her to the top. She worked hard on her own, standing up for women rights, child labor, and racism. She made statements on her own by persuading the president to make laws against these things. She was the one who helped the poor, and assisted the army in the world wars. Eleanor helped make food and clothing for the soldiers, she donated her blood and gave the soldiers a hope for the future. 

Mrs. Roosevelt had a huge impact on America’s history, she was hardworking, determined, and resilient. Although as a child, she wasn’t shown much love, and was often called an ugly, overtime, she gained the respect and love she deserved. Eleanor Roosevelt did many important things throughout her lifetime. She helped make laws for child labor, women rights, and worker rights. She got children out of factories and into schools, she got women equal work times and salaries as men, and got fair wages for all workers. She fought against racism, when she heard a committee she was part of wouldn't let a black singer perform, she immediately left and got the singer a place for her to perform. She also supported the citizens of America and helped the poor people during the Great Depression by working at charity kitchens. She made food and clothing for the soldiers during the world wars. She also helped donate money to the Red Cross, she donated her blood, and gave the citizens of America hope in such dark times. She had her own newspaper column, she spoke on the radio, and was like a rope connecting America and their president. Even after her husband died, she continued and even helped draft the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Eleanor  Roosevelt is a very important person in America’s history and without her, America wouldn’t be what it is today.

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