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About Discrimination

Discrimination has been going around the world for countless years. It causes harm to both the physical and mental health of the victim, and is not something that is not inevitable. Discrimination is when people find unfair or prejudicial distinctions between individuals. The latter includes gender, racial, religion, and age discrimination. However, these aren’t the only ones. There are more that are being put in use by some today. However, apart from just appearing in real life, discrimination can also be found in various pieces of literature, such as novels, short stories, or even plays. The Scribe, Madam C. J. Walker, and Primary Lessons are great examples. The Scribe is a book about a boy named James and his goal to make people go to banks instead of a local nearby shop that overcharges customers for small deeds. Madam C. J. Walker talks about legendary millionaire Sarah Breedlove. Sarah Breedlove (later known as Madam C. J. Walker) grew up under very racist conditions after the Civil War. Throughout her life, she married twice and worked hard to put black women into business. Primary Lessons is about the experience a young girl had in first grade. Judith Ortiz, an ordinary girl living in Puerto Rico, when the U.S required Puerto Rico to be Americanized. That year, teachers consider a black boy named Lorenzo to host the PTA show, but Judith gets chosen instead when the teachers discriminate against the black boy.

Poverty only causes unequalness and troubles, as well as decrease in education. What good can come out of being poor? You can’t afford what you need, and everyone is soaring before you. However, it’s not equal, either. Some people’s education can even be impacted by this. Discrimination against poverty is depicted in all three books. In The Scribe, Mr. Silver and Mr. Dollar, the two men who run the cash/check service, are taking advantage of illiterate (people who can read or write) people and overcharging them for small services. In Primary Lessons, Lorenzo was a candidate to host the PTA show, but he didn't get chosen and Judith got chosen instead because his family is poor, and is kind of sub-level to Judith’s. Lorenzo’s grandma was also Judith’s father’s nanny. Madam C. J. Walker had poverty discrimination when after the Civil War, the slaves that were set free were left broke and powerless on their owner's plantation, and they had nowhere to go because they didn't own anything, much less money to sustain themselves. In these ways, discrimination against poverty is a major problem that puts people lower than others. Education is something crucial for a lifetime. It teaches you important lessons, and gives those who get it a headstart. Poverty is the stem to education issues, the root that is planted deep and is hard to get out, but grows many smaller roots.

Racism is an issue that separates society in the outcasted and the recognized, marginalizing minority groups. Racism continues to be an issue to this day, and it still poses a threat to minority groups and can cause the upturn of social order and outbreaks in society. For discrimination against race, Primary Lesson and Madam C. J. Walker are some good examples. For instance, in Primary Lessons, Lorenzo is regarded as “a fly drowned in a glass of milk” or a speck of black in a sea of white, which abuses his African-American race and ethnicity. It just tells in a bad way how he is a black body and is African American. The teachers, for this reason, do not choose him to host the PTA show for the year. Instead, they choose Judith, whose family has more money and a better reputation. In Madam C. J. Walker, Sarah is shunted and mocked for being an African-American woman. For this reason, no one believes in her, and they all think that her company won’t succeed. However, Madam C. J. Walker persevered, and this led her to come out on top of everybody else’s assumptions and be numero uno. Each person's race is unique, and there is no point in separating. Instead, why can’t everybody be a community? THe impact of racism on a certain race is stronger than you think. Sometimes, you just need to be through what someone else has been through to understand.

No man or woman is above others until they have proven themselves they are, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or gender. It wouldn’t be fair if men and women were already classified at different levels when women could do just as much as men could do, but can’t get the chance to prove it. Gender discrimination is still a problem that needs to be tackled around the globe. In the workspace, in malls, you name it. Gender discrimination is still happening, and it is not fair if women are always being put on a lower level than men. This is still being put into use, and is not fair in any way. In Madam C. J. Walker, Madam C. J. Walker is being discriminated against and shunned for being a woman. No one believed that she could actually start a successful company, but Madam C. J. Walker didn’t let that hinder her. She worked hard, even when her own husband didn’t support her job. She was poor, and a practically single wife, but that didn't stop her from becoming a successful entrepreneur. When people doubt you, go beyond their doubt and leave them in the dust. Each person on earth has a soul, and that means that everybody also holds their own right.

Discrimination is truly a thing to be noticed in your daily lives. It is still a major problem happening around the world. It often targets the margin of society, or people who are weak, poor, female, people who belong to a minority group, disabled, or a combination. These people are often to be considered “easy” to discriminate against, as many people will think that they will not bite back. That is why it is important to stand up when you see discrimination and speak to somebody that can take charge. Apart from real life examples, you can also see that discrimination can also be portrayed in books, to the same people: The people who are on the margin of society. As a cruel physical rather, the margin of society classifies people from upper-class, medium-class, and lower-class. However, this status should not define one; instead, you should focus on one’s personality and character.

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