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About Choice

People make choices all the time. Choices are situations in which we make a decision. The main characters in Stray, Greyling, Eleven, The Scholarship Jacket make different decisions. Stray written by Cynthia Rylan talks about a girl called Doris and her family. Doris on a snowy day found a puppy. She wanted to adopt it. But, her family was in poverty, so they couldn’t afford a dog. The dog was a good dog. Doris’s parents also knew that. But, they could only send it away to the pound. At last, when her father went to the place; he thought it was so cruel for a dog to live. So her father at last kept the puppy as a pet. Greyling, written by Jane Yolen, talks about a fisherman and his wife. They both wanted to have a child. The fisherman always kept the sorrow to himself but his wife was the opposite. One day the fisherman found a selchie and they named it Greyling and adopted it. One day the fisherman almost drowned into the sea. His wife didn’t want Greyling to save her husband, but Greyling wanted to save his father. He saved his father’s life, and disappeared forever. Eleven, written by Sandra Cisneros, talks about a girl called Rachel on the day of her 11th birthday. When she had school, one of the students found a red, dirty sweater. They didn’t know whose it was. But, after a few guesses and making sure, the teacher believed that the sweater was Rachel’s. But, it wasn’t really hers. The Scholarship Jacket, written by Marta Salinas, talks about a girl called Martha who had very good grades in the eight years. She was the only one who would get the scholarship Jacket by her grades. But, the school wanted to give the scholarship Jacket to a girl called Joann whose father was a rich man. Then, the school let Martha pay $15 or the jacket will be given to Joann. When Martha went to find her grandpa for the money, he told her that if the scholarship jacket needs money to get it, then it isn’t a scholarship jacket anymore. At last, the principal gave the jacket free to Martha because of her grandpa’s sentence that reminded him that the jacket was for the ones that paid hard work and have good grades. Sometimes people make correct choices; sometimes people don't even know that they make wrong choices.

People sometimes make choices that show what situation they are in. Sometimes when people can't make choices when they are in a special situation. In Stray, Doris’s parents loved the dog and found the dog was good. They also want to keep the puppy, too. It didn’t barked or shouted for days. But, the parents just couldn’t afford it. They were in poverty. They didn’t have enough money to afford three people and one dog. They all knew the dog was nice. When Doris’s parents refused Doris to keep the dog because they were in poverty. When they were in poverty, they couldn’t make the choices that they wanted to. Next, in Greyling the fisherman’s wife had to choose one person with her and one person down the sea. Whoever she chooses, she will definitely lose one of them. It was a hard decision for her. She loved both of her family. She wanted to keep them all. This situation was hard for the fisherman’s wife. She could only choose one to keep in between too important things. In Eleven, Rachel actually could choose to refuse her teacher. But, her teacher was a higher level than her. So, Rachel didn’t dare to refuse her teacher to wear the sweater. Rachel’s chance to refuse her teacher was zero. It was not possible for her to refuse her teacher. In The Scholarship Jacket, the principal told Martha that she had to pay $15 to get the Scholarship Jacket. But, Martha couldn’t afford it. Because her grandpa didn’t agree with her and believed that if the scholarship jacket needed $15, then it isn’t a scholarship jacket anymore. Martha couldn’t afford it. The principal knows it too. So, that's why they let Martha pay the fee to let her not get the jacket and give it to the other student who was in a rich family. When people can't make choices, it reveals the situation they were in. 

Choices show out what people’s thoughts about what they will choose in the decision. Those choices reveal people’s actions or believing in the choices they are going to make. In Stray and The Scholarship Jacket, the main characters tried their best to make the best choices. In Stray, Doris’s father couldn’t afford a puppy at their home. They were in poverty, so Doris’s father could only send the puppy to the pound. The pound was very cruel. Doris’s father couldn’t let the puppy live there, so he took it back. Doris’s father was kind-hearted. He didn’t leave the dog there because he didn’t have money. In The Scholarship Jacket, the principal at last found that the scholarship jacket should be free or else it is not a scholarship jacket. The principal at last gave the jacket to Martha for free. The principal was reminded by the words of Martha’s grandpa. He suddenly remembered the use of the scholarship jacket. In Greyling, Eleven and The Scholarship Jacket, the characters could have made correct choices but they chose to not. In Greyling, the fisherman and his wife at first took the Greyling as themselves and kept it. They should have put Greyling back to the sea. They were wrong in the first place. They shouldn’t keep Greyling because of their love of children. In Eleven, the teacher later on found that the sweater wasn’t Rachel’s, She should apologize to Rachel after her blaming. But, she didn’t. She had to apologize to Rachel because she blamed Rachel. The teacher didn’t want to lose her dignity. She wanted to keep her teacher at a higher level than Rachel. At last in  The Scholarship Jacket, the school shouldn’t have made the fee rule on the board. It was there already. That year when Martha was there, the principal made her exempt, but the years later on, the principal may not do the same thing. It was unfair to the ones who had good grades but didn’t have enough money. The principal won’t make an exemption for everyone who would get the jacket. When people are making choices, it shows out what virtue they are. 

Sometimes the choices we make are important and are connected to other things. Choices are important because it teaches us some things when we make choices.In Stray, Doris’s family was in poverty and couldn’t afford a puppy in their home. Doris’s parents wanted to keep the dog too. But, the money they had didn’t allow them to keep the puppy as their pet. So, they could only send the puppy to the pound. When Doris’s father found that the pound was so cruel, he brought the puppy back. They were in poverty, but they still tried their best to make the best choice. In Greyling, the fisherman and his wife kept Greyling to themselves and didn’t believe that Greyling should be returned back to nature or the sea. They were selfish because they just wanted to keep the Greyling as their child and they hoped to have a child everyday. When the fisherman’s wife had to choose who would leave and who would stay, it was hard for her to choose. They were selfish and made themselves lose one of their families in the sea. But, the situation was hard to choose one of the ones who I loved. In Eleven, Rachel met all of those things on her eleventh birthday. That was her change in her life, She was turning eleven and bigger. She had to begin her change in life. She started to meet more problems in her life. She needs to take the problem as the start of her eleven. In The Scholarship Jacket, Martha’s grandparents were in poverty. There was another student called Joann whose father was a richer man than Martha’s father. The school decided to change the rule to pay $15 for the jacket to make Martha not get the jacket and give it to the student who had a wealthier family. There are some important lessons that are taught to us in the choices that we make.

In these four books, the characters sometimes make positive or negative choices. While people are in poverty, it makes it harder for them to make the choices that they want. Sometimes people try to make their best choices by using hard work to try to do the best. But, some people already could make correct choices, but somehow they just won’t do it. Some people begged to try to get the correct choice. But, others who didn’t make the correct choices, tried to do the wrong choice by using hard work. Sometimes it may be hard to make choices that are important. When people are making choices when they are in poverty, the choices that they will have usually don't give them the choice that they hoped for. Sometimes the choices show what a person’s real look is. When people are in poverty, other people wouldn’t like those people in poverty. Other people will show prejudice to the ones in poverty. When people can only choose one of two important things, it will be hard for everyone. In these four stories, it teaches us all about choice.

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