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About Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax

The characters in this story have their own unique personalities like Professor Aronnax has such pride that no one can ever beat. His personality has of course, downs and ups. For example, I think that he has too much pride and pretends to know everything. People tend to get annoyed with this action. The upside of his personality is that he has high self esteem! And I think that it’s good to have that strong self esteem. Captain Nemo on the other hand, is kind of like a nobody. Nobody really knows his true identity or really how he came. Professor Aronnax had so many questions to keep him up all night. But those questions about Captain Nemo that were unanswered.

Professor Aronnax was a very high self esteem but he just thinks that he knows everything but he actually doesn’t. This man gets very agitated and irritated when other people look down on him. As in the scene when he enters the Nautilus, he gets very suspicious of Captain Nemo as this shows insecurity. When he plans to escape from the Nautilus with Ned, he gets paralyzed, sits down and stares at the fish. Professor Aronnax thinks that everyone cares about where you’re from and your nationality. He thinks something insulting like Captain Nemo belonged to none, he’s a nobody. Clearly this man has a lot of National pride. He’s even disappointed when the French-Canadian doesn’t speak his language. He tries to “show off” his language skills but I guess it’s not actually showing off but to figure out what language the French-Canadian speaks. He spoke English, German and French but people may think of a wrong way and think that he’s trying to show off his language skills. I feel like he’s very self absorbed and wants to show off whenever there’s a chance.

The Professor also sees the Captain as what he really isn’t. Simply because he doesn’t want to. He thinks that the Captain is beyond humanity, cruel and full of hatred. Even though these thoughts exist, he also has a love for Nemo as well. Nemo has truly helped Professor Aronnax’s dreams all come true underwater. He claimed Nemo never kills a creature without a good reason so Captain Nemo is reasonable, he doesn’t just kill innocent people without a reason that is worth killing someone. But one thing has to be said, Professor Aronnax has only floated 20,000 leagues under the sea but the sea will never be his home and his knowledge would never be as deep as Captain Nemo.

Captain Nemo is a fairly independent person. He clearly built his own submarine to stay away from the whole society. Nemo wouldn’t even surface the sea to bury his dead men, he goes to the underwater cemetery to bury them in there so that they will be out of the reach of sharks and humans. Professor Aronnax thinks that he just buries his men in the sand but he worries about the shark and humans. Captain Nemo is warm hearted and actually cares about his men that he works with. Since he’s been working under the sea so much, he kind of became nobody, he lost his identity, family and his country.

Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax are very different people in general. Captain Nemo is more of the kind, generous type but very independent and solitary. He likes to distance himself from others instead of getting in the way of people. Professor Aronnax is quite on the other side though. He’s more of the nosy type of person who loves to stick themselves in every situation and show off his skills. He also gets quite agitated when people don’t “realize” his skills. They’re just different people in general which makes it seem like it’s only the adventure that brought them together.

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