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Jessica Di

About Biography

A biography is a story about a real person’s life. A biography states one’s evolution in life, for their struggles, achievements, and failures as well. We read and enjoy biographies to know about people’s lives, to learn from their personalities and values, and to infer the type of society behind it. Successful people are not born successful, instead, it’s the hard work they put in and the exceptional spirit of perseverance throughout their lives that make them  achievers. The life of Michael Phelps, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Madam C.J Walker give us inspiring life lessons with fluctuating moments and shining highlights. Michael Phelps is about an American swimmer who managed to achieve his goal of getting gold medals and breaking the world record. The story of Eleanor Roosevelt is about a political woman who continued to advocate Human’s rights throughout her life despite the dark society she lived in. She made a great impact on American society while changing herself both physically and emotionally. Madam C.J Walker tells us about an African-American female entrepreneur who grew up in an extreme racist environment. Throughout her life, she made innovations and a huge business to prove the power of individual working women. These three successful people in history were lionized by others because of their immortal spirits.

People’s achievements usually impress others the most. We tend to have a sense of admiration when we see those distinguished achievements. Michael Phelps, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Madam C.J Walker all made remarkable accomplishments in their lives. In the biography of Michael Phelps, he succeeded in gaining eight medals in his swimming career. Being in the Olympics is already impressive, but scoring gold medals weighs much more. Moreover, he also achieved his ultimate goal of breaking the swimming world record. Eleanor Roosevelt’s contribution to society was definitely admirable. Despite living in an entirely discriminated society, she was able to have the courage to protest for Women’s rights and liberty. She worked almost exhaustively in writing speeches and declarations, and finally, her hard work pays off. Even as a social elite as the president’s wife, she was neglected by people working in the union. Her achievements thus became important because it made people know her true abilities. Madam C.J Walker made herself into the world’s first black women entrepreneur. She made an innovation of a haircare product which was later well-received by every female. She expanded her business and made it noticeable. What made her impressive was that she was a self-made businesswoman. In her early years, she was left poor with only her products. She leveled up her reputation with her strength of superb products that made people believe her in potential. 

Difficulties are inevitable on the road to success. Nobody will have an entirely smooth life, instead, we experience those fluctuating waves that push us towards something. Facing challenges in life enable people to grow to their highest potential. Overcoming obstacles and roadblocks is a fundamental part of life that builds people’s resilience. The biography of Michael Phelps, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Madam C.J Walker prove that successful people all face challenging situations in life. Michael Phelps was born in a divorced family. The divorce had a severe impact on his relationship with his father, which was distant. Later on, Phelps was diagnosed with ADHD in sixth-grade. These factors seem to be drawbacks to Phelps' future. But actually, they built up Phelp’s resilience. The ADHD made Phelps’ full of strength and speed in swimming. Even though Phelps grew up in a divorced family, he still remained to have a generous heart of giving his place towards his teammate in a medley race. Eleanor Roosevelt also suffered from a gender-prejudiced family. After the tragic death of her brother and parents, she was forced to strengthen herself as a strong hearted girl. Because she was used to being responsible, she participated in two world wars where she supported the military and aided the poor. These challenges that she overcame built up her courage to speak up for women’s freedom in front of the whole world. Madam C.J Walker grew up under very racist conditions. She was born in a poor family who worked as slaves. Her parents both died when she was eleven, so she migrated alone through the chaotic society. She again experienced the killing of her husband; she realized that she needed to stand individually with a high self-esteem. Her haircare product business was once predicted by people to be unsuccessful, but soon, her business expanded bigger and bigger. 

Not only do we learn from people’s successes and challenges, but it’s also crucial for us to understand people’s path to success. By comprehending how individuals conquer the obstacles and reach their goals, we can gain insight on how to overcome our own difficulties. Precious values and principles are also built during the path to success. In Michael Phelps, his great determination enabled him to succeed in his career. He knows what he wants and acts on his goals efficiently. We cannot be achievers if we are too lackadaisical or too idealistic, therefore, we must be in between, which is being determined. Eleanor Roosevelt was such a successful female political figure, but behind her public appearance, there’s something more about her. Everytime she suffers, her resilience builds up. Even having to work massively everyday, she didn’t fall into drowsiness. She built up her courage to speak up in front of the society and finally, she succeeded. Similar to Eleanor Roosevelt, Madam C.J Walker was also a courageous woman. She grabs opportunities and handles them well. She’s not afraid of negative comments and contempt from others. All three people paid hard work to earn their success. The value of diligence is obvious. 

In the genre of biography, we explore, learn, and emphasize from those individuals.

Biography portrays famous people’s experiences in life, including education, career, relationships and many others. Biography allows us to have a wide vision by “experiencing” what others have gone through and achieved. Historians absorb information about the past society when reading detailed biographies. While learning from their achievements, difficulties, and paths to success, we can strongly feel the spirits from each person. In Michael Phelps, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Madam C.J Walker, the spirit of perseverance and the exceptional diligence made them successful. From each life story, we can learn deep life-long principles, virtues, and values.

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