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About Biography

Biographies are a great way to remember someone’s life in greater detail. A biography is an account on someone’s life written by somebody else. Usually, a biography takes a deeper dive into someone’s history, not just stating the obvious, but also various aspects like their achievements, difficulties, and maybe even personalities. Biographies usually give the ups and downs of somebody’s life, the turning point, and how it ended. They are mostly about the people who have made a memorable impact on history. 3 examples of this could be Michael Phelps, Madam C. J. Walker, and Eleanor Roosevelt. All 3 of these figures have made an impact in some way. Michael Phelps, during his time, dominated the pool, Madam C. J. Walker was the first self-made woman millionaire, and Eleanor Roosevelt is widely known for her political impact on the role of a first lady. All 3 people have biographies, very memorable biographies written on them to remember the impact of their actions on the world today. 

Achievements can be crucial to the entertainment of a good biography. Not a big handful of people on earth will pick up a thick book on biographies and keep reading even if it’s boring to the core. So, achievements of a person’s life will make the highlights, and add entertainment. It's the memorable part. All 3 biographies mentioned above have detailed descriptions of the person’s achievements. For example, in Michael Phelp’s biographies, there is likely a (very long) list of medals, Olympic Records, World Records, and awards. This shows the achievements of Michael Phelps, and also something the reader can be entertained by. In Madam Walker’s biography, there is, restated over and over again, the fact that she was the first self-made woman millionaire and inspired many other women to go into the industry of business. In Eleanor Roosevelt’s biography, there is a 99% chance that the author would have mentioned how one single woman transformed the entire role of first lady, helped draft the Declaration of Human Rights, and worked with the WTUL, UN, and LWV. All of these achievements in the unique individual's biography will make the overall text more appealing, therefore more likely to be read. Mixing achievements into a long biography elevates the overall effect, and can actually inspire other readers. Achievements are the punchline, the single ring of laughter in an otherwise quiet and somber sea.   

A world is never perfect, and neither is a person. There are always the slumps, the difficulties, and the pits in the midst of all the fame, glory, and/or success. Majority of the people on Earth like perfection. They enjoy the bliss of being able to excel at everything, if they are lucky enough to be able to enjoy it. They despise the poor, the weak. But their dreams are always fake, for there can never be perfection. Perfection is impossible to achieve, because deep down, there is always space to improve. In all the 3 biographies, they highlight the achievements, but they also make sure to outline the difficulties the people had while getting success. For example, Michael Phelps, before gaining fame, had a rocky family relationship, was diagnosed with ADHD, and had to endure divorced parents. Madam Walker started out as a slave, was discouraged especially as a black woman, and had her first husband lynched. Eleanor Roosevelt grew up a little girl lonely and frightened of the world, and had a cold and distant mother. Even though all 3 figures managed to attain fame and power. Perfection is a state of mind. A state of mind that is fake and should not be achieved. Perfection is a figment of a foolish person's imagination, a bet that can never be won, a dream just out of reach. 

A great man’s path to success stays etched in the sand forever. People have different meanings for the complicated word: success. Some people think of it financially, while others think of it in smaller ways. However, everybody takes a path to get there. There’s mountains, rivers, plains, and roads. Not every path leads to what the walker wants it to lead to. Michael Phelps, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Madam Walker all took different paths to success, due to their different communities at the time and their different backgrounds. Michael Phelps, diagnosed with ADHD, used swimming as a way to get out excess energy. As he continued, his skill got better, and he developed a true passion in swimming that brought him to the international level. Madam Walker, though born with a harsh background, had to overcome many challenges as being black and a woman. Through sheer determination, Madam Walker was able to start her business and get rolling. Eleanor Roosevelt grew up with a financially stable family, but a loveless relationship. After marriage, she gained more confidence, and started to make changes in what she believed and knew was right. This way, all 3 important political figures cut their own path to success against the odds. The path to success is different for everyone. Some are marked, and you just need to follow it, but some are still being formed and shaped. The people who are able to shape their own paths, though, are the ones who have actually worked hard enough for their own success. The ones who tread on the correct path are the ones whose paths will remain remembered. 

In conclusion, biographies are a great way to remember an important figure’s life for the better, or for the worse. Biographies highlight the main peak in the person's life, which can inspire others to follow their good footsteps. However, everybody gets a slump sometime, and biographies usually include that, too. To understand what a biography is, you have to know what it does: Tell the story of someone’s life. But there’s always a reason why that author chose that person to write about. Not many authors would pick some random person on the street to write about. So, the person they chose usually has a significant meaning to society, or to the world. They hold a lesson that can be spread to other teens, children, even adults. These people have made change, for the good. Biographies, however, can also record the bad of people, and hope to convey the message to not repeat history again. Either way, biographies are a great way to remember someone’s life and the change they made, as well as the impact they had on the world.

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