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About Biography

Biographies are about a person’s life. They are different from memoirs because they cover a person’s whole life span instead of just one bit. Three of the most influential people who ever lived and had biographies about them were Michael Phelps, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Madame C.J. Walker. Michael Phelps was an Olympic swimmer representing the US team. He originally planned to win 8 gold medals at the 2004 event in Athens, Greece by competing against two world swimming champions. He won 7, but what really mattered to him was that he had a good time. He also cared about the feelings and ambitions of his teammates. He gave up his position in the 400 meter relay to his teammate, who won a gold medal. Eleanor Roosevelt was often overlooked by her mother, and she also had to cope with losing both of her parents and her little brother at a young age. However, she helped the poor and was a persistent, hardworking woman when she grew up. Madame C.J. Walker was the first American female self-made millionaire, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. She achieved this feat by creating a hair-product business. 

Three of the most notable people in the world were Eleanor Roosevelt, Madame C.J. Walker, and Michael Phelps. Eleanor Roosevelt was the longest-serving first lady of the United States, staying in power for 13 years. She changed the role of First Lady, from an honorary title to a position that actually had political power. She also helped the poor in developing nations, where the economy was struggling. She also helped at soup kitchens during the Great Depression. Madame C.J. Walker was the first American self made female millionaire. She had to overcome hardships such as racism, gender discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan. According to some sources, she had a dream where a man told her of a recipe for a hair balm. She made the product and sold it to start a business. She proved that women could be financially independent and challenged ideas of racial inferiority through her example. Meanwhile, Michael Phelps was one of the most skilled swimmers of all time. He competed with the world’s best swimmers in the 2004 Olympics and won 7 gold medals, coming very close to beating the world record. He also cared about his teammates and gave up his chance so his fellow US swimmer could have a chance.

All three of these people achieved great things in their life. Madame C.J. Walker became the first self-made female millionaire. Of course, there were millionaires before her, but they got their wealth by inheriting it from others. C.J. Walker was a hard working woman. She also invented the first hair-care products for women. She also set an example for other women to follow her. She proved that women could be financially independent, which was a huge stepping stone to the future women’s rights movement. Eleanor Roosevelt was another influential woman. She displayed determination and perseverance. Once, her husband was brought down with polio, which immobilized his legs, and it was clear that he could not walk. Many thought that it was the end of FDR’s political life. Eleanor convinced her husband that it was not so. If it weren’t for his wife, FDR may never have been elected president and the Great Depression may have lasted much longer or have been a lot worse. Meanwhile, Michael Phelps is known as the most decorated Olympian of all time, representing the US team. He broke the world record for most medals won. But aside from that, he was a good teammate and was willing to give up his chance at succeeding to give his teammate an opportunity.

Great people are made from great hardships. This is true for everybody. Madame C.J. Walker’s parents were ex-slaves. They got their freedom after the Civil War, but not much was made to help the new citizens. They had to become sharecroppers, meaning they would help their former master plant crops and get part of the harvest. Sharecropping was not lucrative as between harvests, the workers had to borrow everything. C.J. Walker also had to deal with extreme racists, such as the Ku Klux Klan, who murdered her husband. The Klan was dealt with by the government, but racists were not gone. Nevertheless, C.J. Walker overcame these challenges and became one of the greatest women who ever lived. Meanwhile, Eleanor Roosevelt was not favored by her mother as she was a girl, but her parents had been wanting boys. What made things worse, she lost both her parents and one of her brothers all within 18 months. However, she was hardworking, so she was able to forge a legacy that would be remembered for the rest of history. Michael Phelps had ADHD when he was a child and he had a disagreement with his father. He became a swimmer to overcome his ADHD and is now the most successful Olympic athlete ever.

Biographies are works spanning over a person’s entire life. Some of the most famous people who had biographies written about them included Madame C.J. Walker, Elenaor Roosevelt, and Michael Phelps. C.J. Walker was the first female American self-made millionaire. She proved to the world that women could be independent, and many started to question the ideas of racial and gender inferiority. Meanwhile, Eleanor Roosevelt was arguably the best first lady the US had ever seen. She was determined and she convinced her husband, FDR, to not give up politics after he was paralyzed by polio. She also helped developing countries and in the soup kitchens during the Great Depression. It was not unusual for her to start the day at 7:30 am and stop at 12:00 am, even as she got older. Meanwhile, Michael Phelps was the best Olympic swimmer of all time and he was willing to make sacrifices to give his teammates a chance. From their examples, we can learn that hard work, sportsmanship, benevolence, and perseverance are all desirable traits.

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